Blog Archives

I’m back to work!


I’m back home and off to work.


My sisters wedding was beautiful. I was very happy to have spent time with all the family. It was a  small but wonderful wedding,  one of the best I have been to! Plus it was a mini  family reunion! She is so blessed so many people wanted to be there for her joyous day.  The only thing missing were my  brothers and aunt Christine. I still fel sad that Shane is now in heaven. But I know he is in a better place and I will see him again one day. I just hope he  was able to look down and see her day.. Funny, I always though that line was a little cheesy,  never thought it was possible. I mean I know they are always wit us.. Bit to say that myself… I feel the dept  of those words…  Pardon me while I go cry…

My Sister Amelia and I have come a long way in our relationship.  I  realized we both were a bit envious of each-other.. Silly how envy  can tear people apart.  I am so happy for her, beyond words. I think both my sisters are blessed with wonderful husbands!   Now it’s my turn..   (I know, when the time I right I will have mine. I am not in a hurry!)  My nephew was a doll!! I adore him… I miss him tons. I can’t wait till  I see them next time!

I’m sorry I meant to keep this short.  Last thing….

My files are a mess on the computer and in hard copies, andmy net is limited…. Thank God I have my computer back tho. I can’t wait to finish some of these books… I am so grateful that have the time and help when I need it. I  have a bad habit of jumping in headfirst and catching up latter…  Now her  I am back to work and regretting my quick filing system.  I have a lot of organizing, updating,  formatting  rearranging and lots of writing to do. Where is that personal assistant I’ve been meaning to   find… lol… I would love to have an office  to go to: with a huge desk,  multiple display monitors, several computers, and a staff to help me.   Maybe one day?  Till then I have a apt, with a small office, 2 filing cabinets full of research and hard copies print0uts of my work, a Great Dane who is leaning when to settle down while I work… Mom said shes never met a Great Dane so hyper…  God knew what I needed tho,  I would be so bored and lonely with out her. I have  a demanding but wonderful neighbors.  I love the new place now, tho I have only been actually home here 1 moth, its like living in a  yearlong vacation spot out of a book I’d read…  So many wonderful  wildlife, and I’m up high, so I have great views all around me… Thank you so much for sticking with me and continuing to support me with encouragement and pushing me to work… I have so many  books in progress, I’ve narrowed it down to just 3  for now till they are finished….  God bless you all, and I pray you have favor in all you do!

ღ♥ღ Amy Jane Sandberg ღ♥ღ

La Di Da – New Updates- Looking for You

Hello Friends,

Welcome to my page…Here are my latest news and wants..

FIRST: and most important. I really need a BETA reader. You will get to read all my works before anyone else. But I will have to ask you not to share them with anyone till I am done..  If interested please comment here.

Second: I am Looking for an Artist to illustrate some very interesting ideas for me, as an ongoing team effort. I have many “panel” comic ideas. Not a manga comic but more like a weekly strip. I asked a friend but she is busy and I don’t want to distract her form her own agenda. So if you are interested please. So  I am looking for an artist to draw some news paper like comics for me that I have ideas for. A once a month strip.. I would be a different thing each time. Thank you. I have info about it on my deviant art page  I would like to hold a contest for it but am not sure on what I could do for a prize. Maybe sneak peaks at my books.. “Anjiu” My DA page..

Third: I have been writing a lot for and I am starting the progress of puting it in book format while re-writing some of the stuff there.

Forth: Do  you get annoyed about how I do lists,  I can’t help it though, I like to be organized.   Any ways… For my personal updates..

* I have great news. My mother got office 2007 for me. Yes it isn’t the best but it comes with the word 2007 which I had for a short time on my  laptop, which I loved when it first came out, and now I have it again!! Isn’t that awesome!!  So that makes me want to write more, and I will…

* We got a new puppy. He is a beauty. When I figure out how to add pictures I will do a blog of just them or a page for you. He is so handsome, he is a Great Dane 9 weeks old. White with  Grey patches and spots. He has one blue eye and one silver eye. His name is Linus. ❤   AND he is a huge handful. Bur a blessing.. Furthermore my sister is buying another, which we will get in a two to three weeks. EEKKK!

That will keep me busy but I plan on writing a lot. SO PLEASE check back here often. I will let you know how I am doing as I go.. Also I will post more Pages and Books as I can..


~Amy Jane

Ps. Some feed back would be awesome…

Back In Action!

Hello My Dear Friends,

I am so sorry it has been a while almost three months since I have posted any news or really worked on my books. You see.. My family and I have been hit with a lot of things. Finances; Vehicle troubles; My baby sister’s new baby; Hose work, errands, re- doing my room (yes – after a year it is still a work in progress); Romance problems; The Swine Flu; Misunderstanding with a few Friends, and of course some Deaths: A Friend, My Grandpa, and then Our dog.

*sigh* I have been meaning to write I started a few journals but I didn’t know what to say and to be honest I really didn’t want to write.. I was doubting my dreams. Thinking about all the things I have wanted to do and does’t seem to be happening. I am 28 single for three years, no children.. I have 4 cats, 1 bird, my and my 2007 nitro… I watch my nephew five days a week, and pet and house sit when I can.

I have been so wrapped up in not having what I really want (A Husband, yes I like some one. I need to get the courage to tell him.) And not doing anything worth wile in a while I forgot all I need to do is get off my ass and do it. So the past three months I have been doing just hat. Getting things done at my Church, helping my family more, and my friends and doing every thing but writing and my room..

The good news: We are getting a new puppy as soon as he is old enough next month!! Our Life group is going well, I have a steady flow of money again, I am working out again, I am keeping up with the chores, I have new determination, and most of all – Conner is taking 1 long nap a day where I get time to write now! Woot!! Praise God!

So this month coming I promise to write more and to get my ass in gear and finish my room, well at least get it as close as I can to an office till I can afford new tile and paint.. I got a new door this weekend!! Thats a start!!!

I am still hoping I can find an artist to turn my books into comics as I write them, of course I would share the royalties, but no one has had the time because most the authors I like have a busy life right now as well.. I think I will hold a contest in a month or two as I get more of my main books done..

Again I am sorry I have been away, though I don’t really think I have any serious fans yet… If you read this, thank you!

God bless you today and always!

~Amy Jane ~Anjiu SutoMu

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


My interviews with many authors

A Novel Life.LLC

Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

Debradoo's Blog

Just another site

Amy Jane's World

~Life ~ Dreams ~ Work ~ Writing~ People ~ Faith ~

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

cancer killing recipe

Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.

Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

Birdie's Health Chatter

Your Guide to Natural Health and Wellness