Blog Archives

I am here…

I have been on the go the past few months. I now have time to write. I think I’ll be getting a lot done too. Even with the crazy holiday season halfway over… I’ve already done much of the heavy work. I’ve been helping dad fix the driveway. The tree roots are raising the driveway up, and since they want to keep the trees we’ve been redoing certain areas and leveling the driveway out. First by removing the old driveway, using a aircompresser chizzle, then digging under the roots so they go down. then proceeding with re-taring the area. My main job is to dig up and shovel the old driveway ect, and replace the gravel with him…. Then together blowing out the craks and caulking the them up all along driveway to the road. Dad even did sone of the road as well… I’m always learning new things when I help dad. It’s not perfect, but it works! We got so much done, just before it snowed. We started before I left and finished after I came back.

Also while I was gone dad started redoing the back bathroom. He removed the old linoleum flooring and flooring and removeing the old toilet. I came back just in time to help him add the new stuff. Tho really he didn’t need my help. Dad is doing so much better then he was. I am truly impressed with his recovery. God is so good! We make a good team. We don’t always get along but we both work hard. We got it done just before company came!

Now I’m just gonna write while I relax in my pajamas. Just because I can! 😆 Yay- a writer’s life! I will get back to my youtube vblogs, my blog, and do some Facebook group this week I hope! I have a few more important tasks  first…

I will do my best to keep everyone updated so stay tuned! Don’t give up on your dreams or goals, any progress is still progress. So follow your dreams because you matter. Make sure you take time to breath and enjoy life too. My goal in life is tovspread joy and stop hate. I choose to be happy 😊 even when I don’t feel like it. Remember God supplies and miracles happen!I chose that book 📖 title for a reason!

Stay safe and God blesses you today and Always!!

╰ღ╮ Amy Jane Sandberg╰ღ╮

The Forth and Last leg…Part 2

Hello Friends!!

Thus far even tho all the traveling I have done has been for my family and myself. I am super excited to be here in California for me. The trip I had been planing for a very long time has finally happened. Thanks to the help of my sister, having me for the company! Being in California is like being in Florida. Only with no humidity and the presence of mountains.

The traffic isn’t to bad, but it is smoggy. Maybe away from the city, it won’t be so bad. I have to say we are again at another awesome hotel in Aanaheimnaheim. To bad, we won’t have time to go to Disney. My sister and I are really sore too. She hurt her back and I hurt my knee. I can tell she is ready to go home but has had a lot of fun.

Here are images of the sunset and sunrise from our room.

Beautiful right! This is the smallest room we have stayed in the whole time of travel. But I am not complaining. It is another nice hotel. This one has more of a home feel thought he entire place with a convenient novelty shop and cafe / coffee bar. I got also got a ton of postcards from every place we went to. It is something I have been doing since I was little. A great cheap souvenir! I collect postcards as I travel for mailing and myself. Usually a landmark or something about the place or state I am in. Do you do something like that to? My baby sister collects spoons. I think I started that hobby when I as in hospitals. I would always and still do get something from the gift shop for me and my loved ones. Out of the two hobbies, I think collecting postcards is cheaper right?

The most awesome thing about being in CA is my man is here! I got to see him today. I was so nervous. Long-distance relationships are hard and we haven’t seen each other in a while. When we got to his house I was so nervous I walked up to his door panicked and walked away. But he saw me and opened the door before I got far. His family was also there. If I didn’t mention he is American born Mexican.

We did the meet and greets. Last time he came to my home and met my family. My sisters surprised us and came to visit. I love that he is close to his family like I am to mine.

We went to Rubble Castle

And then we went to the movies to see Maleficent 2 after exploring the area a bit and discussing what to do.

Overall the whole experience and day was better then I expected… I was just so nervous he I would disappoint him and worried he wouldn’t still find me attractive or pleasing. He held my hand the entire movie and every chance he could he hugged me. I couldn’t stop smiling if I had wanted to. My sister and him got along as well. Tho they had met before.

I will see him again in a few days when I stay with him and his family!.😮

Keep me in your prayers?

Thanks! Love you all!

Stay safe and God blesses you today and Always!!😇

╰ღ╮ Amy Jane Sandberg╰ღ╮

What is our Worth….

Let me ask you – How often do you wonder if what your doing has any purpose and meaning? How often do you question what your life is worth? To many people don’t see their own worth…. My aunt as an example. She was a: kind, smart, talented, caring, and fun actress who touched so many people ones she knew and didn’t ever meet. Sadly she never grasped her worth. She was so hard on herself, She would say I wish I could do better or was better. She was a wonderful woman who brought joy to so many. she touched so many lives in such great ways… Yet she didn’t value herself much.

We all live different lives, we all are unique individuals and we all have impact on others. It could be in our: local community; an online community – games, forums,chat-rooms, Facebook, YouTube instagram twitter, work; school; church; family; etc… Anytime you talk to someone else you are effecting or affecting their lives and day in some way. Do you make people smile? Or do you tear people down.. But….. He/she treats me like…… That doesn’t matter your not measuring their worth, you are measuring ours… We have need to take responsibly and be accountable how we treat others. You want to know what your worth is? Look at how you treat others..

We may say: I am who I am? I just want to be myself why do I have to be nice… The bible say treat others as you want to be treated. (Luke6:31)  Even if you don’t believe in the Bible or God, it is a good rule to live by. So let me ask you – How do you want others to treat you? Sadly others may not threat you kind and there are some who will never treat you the way you wish they would… But that doesn’t affect your Value! So what if there is one person who doesn’t appreciate you… If you see it or not there are people who you touch.

Lets talk about our appearance next. Are we what society says is: overweight, thin, sexy, tall, short, beautiful, handsome, homely, athletic, etc? What else do they say about us? Wait!!!!!!!! That’s labeling!!! We may fit into one of those categories but that does not define our worth! Those labels can act as boosters or most common as restraints. We tie ourselves down by what others say we are or what we can do. We need to stop doing that. Because let me tell you Your worth is un-measurable, your value is priceless!

It doesn’t matter what you do, how you or how you look. Only you an decide your importance, our value, our worth. We are invaluable, Priceless, irreplaceable, precious, incomparable, unequaled.

I challenge you to do as I am doing: Tell yourself you are important, you are beautiful, handsome, sexy, and awesome! Tell yourself you can succeed and that you wont give up on whatever you are reaching for. DO it as often as you need to and you will start to be happier. We all get emotional and have down days but its just a moment in time, and it will pass. Stay strong and don’t be afraid to talk to others when you need encouragement and support. You have purpose and meaning. No one can be  better you, you are un-matched.

I love ya – don’t forget you are awesome!!!
╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


My interviews with many authors

A Novel Life.LLC

Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

Debradoo's Blog

Just another site

Amy Jane's World

~Life ~ Dreams ~ Work ~ Writing~ People ~ Faith ~

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

cancer killing recipe

Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.

Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

Birdie's Health Chatter

Your Guide to Natural Health and Wellness