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My Heart Hurts

My heart hurts 💔 from all the killings & innocent children. I  wonder why there is stricter protection at the schools & why don’t they not closely monitor or allow people who cause such crimes to roam free when they obviously had proof of being dangerous 🤔 They almost always say there were signs. If they see something suspicious why not check into it? I don’t want to be like other countries like Asia and Europe where they have cameras everywhere monitoring people all the time. Although maybe it is needed in schools? Maybe the Bible and morals should be taught more at home and in schools. God gave us “The Ten Commandments” for a reason. It is impossible to keep them all, especially without Jesus in our lives but it gives us a chart of what not to do.

Seriously it’s not about gun control it’s about the police and schools doing their job to protect the staff and students. Taking away guns won’t stop determined people who wish to kill. There’s plenty of other ways to do that. If one is set on doing evil they will find a way. So focus on vetting and upping security better?! What can the school teachers and such do that they aren’t now? I am not judging only God and they really know. But shouldn’t we all be asking?

All these mass and non-mass shootings not just at schools but at stores etc. They are pushing and causing havoc and are encouraging people to stay home and home-school their children. Two mass shootings within a week? They used to be so rare…. Now they are so often people don’t give them much thought. We not only live in a world in distress right now we live in a time where people are not held accountable for their actions and words. Asif it is ok to be mean and hurtful… We do not live in “The Hunger Games” although sometimes it feels like that. Especially these recent times and with the extra health debates and concerns more people are turning against each other. What can we do to help prevent these? I ask God that constantly. I am always praying for my loved ones and friend’s safety and my own especially during big holidays and events…… We shouldn’t have to live in fear? This is truly sad……… I can not imagine the pain these families are going through….. Especially knowing it could have been stopped…

It really doesn’t matter what side you are on Violence is never the answer in my opinion… If you are: Left, Right, Middle, Whatever the color of your skin is, or what faith you have… They are not valid reasons to kill over! The “faiths” that consider killing others is okay sickens me and shouldn’t exist!!! That is my personal opinion. Everyone has a unique way of thinking and their own personal opinions. That is what makes everyone unique & truly special! If we all thought the same life would be boring and lack color. Differences make life more … Full and Abundant!

PLEASE ❤️ Stop Hatred & start loving others despite their differences Everyone matters. I can not say that enough!! You don’t have to agree with everyone but Violecnece is not the answer! If you cannot agree then agree to disagree or just walk away. I have seen so many relationships and friendships end over fights started with differences of opinions that are valid yes. Everyone’s feelings are valid and important! It pains me to see these end over issues that I feel could have been resolved and the relationship can be saved with some kindness. Some love and some appreciation of everyone’s uniqueness go a long way! I know there are people out there who don’t believe that Jesus is Lord as truly as I do. I am not here to debate that today. I am here to ask you to share more kindness and love to others. I don’t share the same beliefs or ideas as some of my friends- we still love each other! When you value and care about people truly, their differences aren’t the reason to end the relationship unless the person intends harm to others and isn’t just venting. Our words and actions speak volumes. We are always being watched by others if we want to be or not we are setting examples and levels for those around us to live by.

Getting back on topic: Government – Christians – You – it is your job to stop promoting division and focus on bringing people together. THE BIBLE TEACHES STRONGLY ABOUT THE POWER OF LOVE & STANDING TOGETHER ❤️ THE GOVERNMENT was set up to protect & provide for its people, not personal agendas. That’s why we have the Declaration of Independence and the justice system was created.

It doesn’t matter if you believe Jesus lived & died because He loved you- John 3:16 Or if you believe in God at all, tho I hope you do. What matters is you treat others with respect, kindness & compassion. It is our job as believers to build others up and share Christ’s Love. Jesus loves everyone even tho He wasn’t happy about everyone’s life choices. We are not perfect, yet He died so we could be free from the darkness of evil. So that we could live a life full of life. John:10:10 Because every single life is precious & important!!!! We should work to resolve misunderstandings and save valuable relationships. We should work to spread kindness and end hatred. Learn to forgive more and not to hold grudges. They are poison more for you than for others. Proven to cause illnesses and harm more than good. It isn’t easy for sure that is why it is work. Don’t choose to be mean, angry, resentment, or violent. Words can do just as much harm as a physical attack… Be accountable for your actions and your words.! It truly takes courage to show compassion and understanding. To be open to listen and to love despite differences!

-my rant is done-

💕 I really appreciate you all. Your encouragement means a lot! God Bless You Today and Always! 💕

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

The Original Thread on Twitter

Hyrule Warriors Difinitive Eddition. Yes Please!

If it is like “Hyrule Warriors Difinitive Eddition” < only available via direct download now> I am totally psyched… I love all Zelda games 🎮

It’s hard to talk a video while playing one handed. But here’s the only one I can share right now. The others are on my memory card. Its way better than I expected and if you are an avid Link / Zelda fan you should get the game.

I think it will be a great game even tho there are locked maps. Yet the maps are big. Hyrule Warriors Difinitive Eddition is awesome and has a playable storyline with storytelling. This game unlike Hyrule Warriors Calamity <yet to come out>

This one covers all the Zelda stories supposedly up to BOTW. Of course in thier its own unique way. I gavevbmno complaibts so far. This game is awesome. The play able characters, the stories are top rate!!!! I’m so impressed with the graphics!!!

I expect Age of Calmmity to be the same or better. I think it will be way more complicated than the predicted 30 hours. Especially since it’s supposed to play like like Hyrule Warriors Difinitive Eddition and be like BOTW. Also locked maps are hinted, so probably not open an world game like BOTW…. However the maps in this game are still big even if locked! I keep getting lost.

 Hyrule Warriors Difinitive Eddition -wich compileed all the previous Hyrule Warriors games together- is very story heavy… Especially the legend mode. So much so that you get annoyed if you have to replay a area. The cut scenes are long. After watching once tho you an skip. I love how it has a gallery tho where you can watch the cut sceens you’ve collected just like BOTW  does. So I expect  Age of Calmmity to be about the same. I love how it has a gallery tho where you can watch the cut sceens you’ve collected just like BOTW does. So I expect  Age of Calmmity to be about the same.   

In order to unlock playable aspects such as Fairies 🧚‍♀️ and other perks and game sections you have to play the Ledgend mode and the Advture mode. The Adventure mode is confusing to me but I’ll figure it out. It is where you get your fairy for ledgend modr and fairy food to level her up among other things. Also I found it really cool that you can rename your fairy!!! To me it makes it feel more like your story.

If you still arnt sure you want the game? Then you should check out this guy’s YouTube channel of his game play throughout the game.

That is about all I have to say about this game. I adore it if you couldn’t tell. I highly suggest you guys get it from your swich shop. Hard copy cards are rare and double, maybe trippple the original price now. The game came out Christmas 2018, but I got it October 2019. Why did I wait so long??? By far it is one of my most favored games! And I am telling you this for free. It is also a great way to vent your frustration and stress….. You will be saving Hyrule and the rest of the Zelda lands!!!! Have a wonderful rest of the year. God bless you today and always, good night 😴

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Happy Mother’s day – Father’s Day – Respect and Thanks

To all you Mom’s Dad’s, soon to be and Want to be Parent’s out there! Happy Mother’s& Father’s day!!! (Now we know your secret, Your Super!)

This Weekend and Until Father’s Day  is special,  because of our wonderful Mothers who gave birth to us, Dad’s who have raised us:  -and- or- to the Parent who was placed in your life to look after you!  It is important we take the time and look back at to see all they did for you, and appreciate them, along with their effort; Even if you do not understand their actions.

The Bible (which I see as truth and my guide)  calls for us as Children to respect them. Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.Ephesians 6:1 KJV Don’t stop reading because I have bible verses , It is important no matter who you are or what religion/ Faith  you are to obey and respect your parents..  But it is a pleasure to appreciate and celebrate them!!!
In the old days if a child disobeyed they were taken out of the city and stoned, to death…. Eek!  And they say Spanking is harsh?

The Bible can be hash, especially in the Old Testament. Thank you Lord, for The new testament and Jesus’s blood that frees us fro, the law.. (John 3:16) If you can’t respect your parents who will you respect?? I believe it is a foundation we were given, so we can know who is Boss over us and once we respect someone we can learn from them.. Do you lean anything from anyone you don’t respect??? I don’t so I doubt others will.. Not all parents are respectable, some parents are horrid to their children and I feel they should not be allowed to be parents… I’m not talking about grounding or strict rules.. I’m talking about the ones who molest, beat, and play bad mind games, with their children. No parent should abuse their child in any way, shape or form..  If you have or had a parent like that I am so sorry..  You are a blessing! But if you have good parents great parent’s no matter what age you are, You are blessed more then you may realize. Without my parents I know I would have turned out to be some one other then who I am.. I was a rebellious teen, and child. My rules my way! But When I realized how lucky I was I stared to be obedient… It is never too late to appreciate what you have! There are so many I know who have lost a mother or a father to young, and it leaves a huge hole in their hearts, and life… A “Parent” is God’s special gift to His children. We are to look at God like a Father, but if we have not had a father it can be hard to grasp…  A different story for a different day..

Now parents, usually both work to give us not only a roof over our heads, and food on the table and love.. They do so much more for us. They give us phones, computers, games, Tv’s, cars etc. You’re so lucky If you have parents who can afford that stuff,  or allow those things. As an adult it they don’t stop loving you or helping you. They expect more from you but their help extends sometimes to mortgages, cloths, babysitting, referrals, jobs, medical bills, and much more…  Take some time and really think about what your parents, guardian, or role model has done for you. Life is far from easy,  but I feel so blessed to have such wonderful parents who are not only awesome role moles but awesome people who set a standard, and raise the bar.  The lead the way and helped me lean who I am and what I want to do. They pushed, and pulled, and always loved..  If you wanna be a patent or soon to be one, you should know and strive to be a good one! One who will set a good example to your children, even if your parents were not one for you. You can start anew. Make a decision who you want to be, and what example you want to set as a parent and work at it. ❤ You can do it!!! And every one will be blessed by your efforts!! It is not easy, it is not always fun to set a standard… But it is so worth it when you see people responding and following your examples.. You don’t have to be perfect, but be responsible…

God bless you Parents!!!  We children are so lucky to have you!  I pray, one day I too can share the joys and hardships of being a mother!

~Amy Jane

I could easily write a book on this topic but I’ll leave you with some verses..

  • Proverbs 6:20 My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
  •  Proverbs 13:24 ESV Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.
  • Deuteronomy 21:18  If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him,
  • Proverbs 23:22 Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.
  • Colossians 3:20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

Exodus 21:15 ESV “Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 ESV“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

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