Monthly Archives: November 2015


❀✎☆How was your weekend all? Long? I know what happened Friday really got me thinking.. I used to say this all the time but I feel like I don’t say it enough… LIFE IS SHORT! My grandma Sylvia, even in her in her 80’s, would say that “You should never grow up, enjoy life to the fullest”. We all have goals and dreams that we want to follow, yet the reality is that our needs get in the way. By the time most of us get done what ‘has to be done’ we are too tired and burned out to do what we want. We lock our dreams, goals and hopes up in a chest, but then the chest gets dusty and we forget about it. I don’t want to forget about my Dreams and neither should you. You need to make time to follow them. If it involves money then start saving. If it’s about health then get to it. Going after what you want in life is never easy. You have to fight for it. That includes love and relationships too. Nothing worth having is easy. Personally I am getting back on track, I was depressed for a while but I shook it off thanks to good friends and a change in my attitude. Don’t let the lies- “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t deserve it”, “I can’t do it” get in your way. Guess what, YOU ARE AWESOME! You have unique gifts no one else has and you are one of a kind. You need to believe in yourself..fight for yourself, because you are worth it! Go find your locked chest and open it!!  Never say Never! ❀✎☆

Walt Disney said: “All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Truth


Love  ya,

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯




I will give one away at 100 Likes and one at 200 Likes ~

A Signed Paperback includes:
Your choice of an 8×5 or a 6×9 copy of:
God Supplies and Miracles Happen by Amy Jane Sandberg
A magnet of your choice below, and a special thank you note from The author.

(Great Gift Idea for Christmas)

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*Contest closes at 200 Page LIKES
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117 more likes to go XD

❀✎☆Thanks You Very Much! Have fun! ❀✎☆

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