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Never Give Up

Hello all Good Day!

How are you doing? Especially with all the chaos and stresses that are going on with the crazy world right now. I know this year is extra rough for our family. Especially for mom and I. Not only did we loose my dad in April, after he survived so many trials so suddenly… We also lost some pets. My one of my parents twin cats, mainly my dad’s ran away, or or was abducted Early June… We’re still hoping she will come back. Then my Great Dane and best friend passed away less then a month ago. Talk about rough… I understand that some people may have it worse but this is extremely painful 💔 😢.

That’s not all of what’s been going on. I’m not going to mention the little things. Our whole family is struggling with so much right now… Mom’s been really strong. My parent’s are my real life heros for a reason. We were both in a deep depression. We are doing better tho. Taking it one day at a time. This depression was the 2nd worst I’ve been through. The thing about depression is you seem ok at some points then you get knocked down and out of nowhere. Its like a panic attack or anxiety attack without having the full symptoms. You feel numb, trapped, like a shell of a person, if even a person. Maybe a you are robot… I told my man. It’s like I have theses support walls up, but inside theres nothing but broken rubble. For the past several years I’ve been taking care and supporting my dad. We were very close and were together most of the day until he got better. Then he started doing his own stuff but it didn’t last long. He suddenly had cancer and ended up leaving us because of heart failure. Anyways…

It sounds funny but Frozen 2 actually helped us, especially my mom. Mainly Ana’s song “The Next Right Thing”


“The Next Right Thing” lyrics:

I’ve seen dark before, but not like this
This is cold, this is empty, this is numb
The life I knew is over, the lights are out
Hello, darkness, I’m ready to succumb
I follow you around, I always have
But you’ve gone to a place I cannot find
This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down
But a tiny voice whispers in my mind
You are lost, hope is gone
But you must go on
And do the next right thing
Can there be a day beyond this night?
I don’t know anymore what is true
I can’t find my direction, I’m all alone
The only star that guided me was you
How to rise from the floor?
But it’s not you I’m rising for
Just do the next right thing
Take a step, step again
It is all that I can to do
The next right thing
I won’t look too far ahead
It’s too much for me to take
But break it down to this next breath, this next step
This next choice is one that I can make
So I’ll walk through this night
Stumbling blindly toward the light
And do the next right thing
And, with it done, what comes then?
When it’s clear that everything will never be the same again
Then I’ll make the choice to hear that voice
And do the next right thing
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Kristen Anderson-Lopez / Robert Lopez
The Next Right Thing lyrics © Walt Disney Music Company


Neither of us could have gone through this alone. Not without the help from God / Jesus / The Holy Spirit, our loved ones and our friends. We still gave a long way to go but we are all pressing forward one step at a time with lots of love and  prayers.

I am starting to  remember who I was and who I am subosoed to be.  I want to hold on to that.

Remember matter what your doing this week, working or playing – Smile. It is a a choice we make. To let things get to us or to smile and move forward. knowing you can and will survive – whatever your going through:  Losses,  Rude people, things keep going wrong, etc. Whatever it is, know tomorrow is a new day. Look for the good in the bad, smile and show the world you won’t let anyone but you control how you feel. That to me is what a real warrior does. Now go have an Awesome week!!

🤔Depression seems to be going around….😔 Know that You matter❣ Know that it is ok to  admit that you are not ok and need help or people. THERE’ IS NO SHUH THING AS PERFECT ❣❣❣❣ We are humans, an all have issues, fults,  and needs. But also remember that you are AWESOME and needed!!!! Even if you don’t feel that way… It is the truth ❣❣❣

Here are some places you can reach out to if you don’t know who to talk to or don’t want to discuss anything about it with people close to you..


The mental health issues related to our lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. NAMI, The National Alliance on Mental Illness have a 24 hour helpline: 800-950-6264



NAMI offers support and education programs for families and individuals living with mental health conditions. NAMI recognizes that the key concepts of recovery, resiliency and support are essential to improving the wellness and quality of life of all persons affected by mental illness.



We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Remember that you are not alone and that you are loved!!!

💚 Amy Jane Sandberg 💚

Book Blurb

❀✎☆Hello all,

here is my a bit about my first book: “God Supplies and Miracles Happen” if you don’t know.

My Real life story summarized

Amy Jane Sandberg: She is the third person in the world to have her heart completely rebuilt after being born with Truncus Arteriosus. Amy is a walking miracle. By the saving grace of God she has survived: being brain dead, three open heart surgeries, a full heart reconstruction, two comas and three strokes. She is one of a kind and a true child of God. As are you! ❀✎☆


This book is a playful yet serious. Amy will make you cry and smile. Her story is truly is an inspiring one. -Multiple readers

❀✎☆Buy It Here❀✎☆

My Amazon Page:

❀✎☆My other Links ❀✎☆

Twitter: @AmyJane27

Instagram: AmyJaneSandbergAuthor

FB Page:

❀✎☆ I am also currently Have a give away going on at my Facebook page❀✎☆

New Years Eve 2013 Open your heart.


Hello Dear Friends,

Wow what a crazy year it has been….  I can not believe all that has happened this year… This year seems like it was several years all wrapped up into one..  I forget what all I’ve written about…  Last year I was angry  and upset, I was lost and confused, I was drained and  empty feeling, and it lasted up till  November this year. I  had a lot of falling outs with people and a lot of misunderstandings. I learned I suck at  explaining things in words.  I should stick to writing.. lol.. Even  then is hard to express myself.   I am happy now. I gave up trying to make things perfect, now I am just  enjoying what life dishes out.  What God has for me…  That is really the best way to go…  Falling into God’s will helped me fall back into my dreams and my joy. My passion is to help people via my written work and by me being me.  That makes me happy…

I lost a lot this year but I gained so much in return. For the first time in many years I’m happy with who I am… I keep telling you: Only you can make yourself happy. And that’s mostly true.. If you lean to let  go  of all the hurt and stress you hold inside, and Let God in,  is one way. Another is you can choose to be happy, choose to look for the good in every bad situation.  Only you know what is holding you back and  keeping you down…. Also having that someone  who has faith in you and is constantly encouraging you and  helping you  makes a huge difference. I don’t know what I’d do without those awesome people in my life…

I may wear my heart on my sleeve, but its because I want you all to feel loved. There are so many different kinds of Love….  And I love you all. My heart was made big  just so I could love you all. 😛  Some of you settle for just Like… Being liked is good enough… But you are better than that. You deserve to be loved…  No one is perfect… We all mess up…  That doesn’t mean we don’t deserve love….

I don’t know what I was planing on saying, I don’t know if anyone even reads this…    Take this next year with a seed of hope..  Don’t let last year get you down. Tomorrow is a new day -wait better yet- a New Year!!  So —-   Make new choices… Make good changes to your life that will make you happier..  Don’t wait till midnight to do so. Do it tonight. Every one is suffering in one way or another, everyone  has issues, some worse then yours believe it or not.. You are blessed and lucky to  have what you do…   If I could ask you to do only one thing and you would’ I’d ask you to let you wall down and let people in… We are made to need people…  So many complain about not finding love…. But if you won’t let your walls down to let anyone in then it will never  happen…  I don’t just mean  your  one true love,  it counts for friends and family love too… If you stay guarded, no one can get close… And you will keep staying  empty and lonely.

Don’t Give up on your dreams,  fight for them, I don’t believe anything worth doing or reaching comes easy….. If only it was….  Then life would be boring?? :p

Thanks for all the great memories this year, and the adventures God…..  I thank you for tomorrow and t new year you are giving us… I pray it brings  Joy, closure, togetherness, and fulfillment like never before!!!!

My biggest accomplishment this year was getting closer to God and publishing my  personal short story

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Relationship research & Advice…..

After talking with many couples for research and curiosity. The hardest thing they have to overcome is the first admission of feelings. After that it continues to take great courage to trust another person with those feelings. But it doesn’t end there. When the couple can’t be or stay open about their feeling – the relationship starts to fall apart. It is often stressed Communication is the key to making it work. But compromising is equally important to them. Comparability is important too. But not as important. If you know me I’ve had boyfriends, a fiancée. Working on these books made me wonder is there only one person for us, what happens if you miss him or her? Does another come along or will you keep getting chances to win their heart? From what I have witnessed, there are many “will do’s” but also “My one & only”.

Each pairing is always different. That is why love / romance books are so popular and will never end. So many stories to tell. I’ve  also wondered is it true the person who confessed love first is top dog in the relationship? I don’t think so. I agree it takes a massive amount of courage to be honest like that. But I truly believe that the best relationships are ones where there is equal respect, honesty, and trust. The last person who confesses first was the key to the start of the New beginning together and gets huge kudos. Sometimes a per has to confess more then once or they take turns. Due to bad timing, or miss understandings. Both parties have equal responsibilities to do to give their best to keep the relationship good. It won’t always be equal. But that’s not an excuse to not try you best. I have a lot more to add to this, but another time another day.

I am encouraged by my research and I have hope my one will come eventually to stay in my heart and life. WHEN the time is right for me. In the meantime keep an eye here on info on my upcoming works. ALSO  keep coming back to my blog…  it’s in a constant   a work in progress as always but there for a reason. God bless you all.

♡Amy Jane ♡

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


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