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My First Public Appearance

Woot ~ I did it!

After two moths of planing and about $400.00 I had my first public appearance at a Spring Festival in Washington stare May 29 – May 31! The whole thing was a roller coaster ride of emotions. about a year ago I made he decision I would have a booth at the local festivals during the 2015 summer. I have a local friend Who just started her own business Selling ‘Clever Container’ products. We decided to share a booth together. We dd our research and plans and before we knew it the summer had snuck up on us! Which split the registration and insurance fees. It was a lot more work then I expected it to be. Not only was I getting my stuff ready I was also her Business Consultant. ( My consulting page: )

Come Find Us at Spring Fest

I helped her get started setting up her page, creating her labels, Creating her Banner and more. When I was done with her stuff I realized how much I had to do still. Buying the books, a Banner Business Cards, Magnets, Demo products, Things to sell at the fest besides books to draw attention and of course we needed an Event Shelter. I bought a nice Yellow 12×12 $299.00 Colman for sale for $99.00.

My Event Shelter


When all that was settled we passed out fliers with in the county and handed out more then 50 businesses cards each. Honestly that was more then I expected to. Since I was going for it I decoded I wanted to raise awareness and collect donations for #ACHA and #MendedLittleHearts  Because I am 1 out of 11o born with a heart defect.

When The day finally came to set up we were freaking out nervous! We decided to go early despite peoples suggestions which was a great thing because we got to choose our booth location at the Festival! With two separate businesses She took one side and I took the other but before we could set up our tables we needed to set up the tent. It isn’t a quick popup (which wold be a great Idea) When we first opened the tent bag We were surprised at how many poles and parts there were and we became over whelmed… Thank God my sister Amanda and her Husband were with us she is great at reading instructions. When we got it half way set up it looked like it wasn’t going to be taller then 3ft.. We started to panic… Jennifer called a local store to see if they had a 10×10 for sale…She was about to go get it with my brother-in-law when Amanda and I decided to keep setting up the tent just to be sure…. To out surprise and relief…… We gained the height we needed it was about 5’11 on the inside but it had lower sides to keep the sun out. Extremely pleased and tears and broken wallets averted we began to set up out sides of the booths. ^_^  All in all set up took about 4 hours, we were so glad we had decided to come early. We had a few issues with how to tie the banners and arrange the tables, once that was settled it all fell into place.

It was a high heat weekend and our helpers canceled due to the heat and illness so It was just her with her kids and I there for the three days. We decided to leave the big stuff but to take our important stuff home at night because of the stories we heard about thievery. And we used used every mussel we had doing so every morning and night. It took us about an hour set up and tear down time and by the last night we felt like pro’s. We made sure to come early and to stay late so we got great parking spots for he loading and unloading. But all in all despite the heat and sore mussels it was I think a great success. Jennifer who had a lot of great products was able to get the word out for future home parties. Due to the extreme heat There were not many people at the event as they had hoped for.. All the booths said they suffered costs due to the lack of people.

I truly am glad I did this I leaned a lot and I feel like I took the next step getting the word out about my books. I sold more then I thought and I met some really interesting people. I do have some tips tho  if you are planning on doing your own event:

*One -Make sure you limit how much you will bring – less really is more. If you have to many things people won’t know what to look at first and  your tables could look over crowded. Pulse your mussels will thank you later. One of the Booths near us was complaining  about how little he sold and he kept trying to pawn off stuff to us.

*Two – Have a idea what you want your booth to look like so when set up time comes you aren’t panicking. Three make sure you come early no matter what they say. First come first serve is most event’s motto. We had quite a few people people upset because they came late and didn’t get to put their tents where they wanted.  People were walking though the event before moat booths were set up we made most our sales in the mornings and evenings.

*Three – Know the location where you will be, and prep what you may need such as: Bandaids, water, food,  food money, sun block, tape scissors, a coat if indoors,  etc.

*Four and most important You have to talk to the people walking by, some will just pretend they don’t see you but others  would have passed by if i had not said Hi. Don’t be a robot be yourself smile and be friendly.  I don’t want to push my book on anyone It is quite personal but when I got over being shy (which is not the usually me)  and I actually started talking to people I started getting more people. Be careful not to miss people  who want to buy something tho because you talking to other people make sure you say Hi to everyone.

*Five Be – friend your tent neighbors. We were so lucky to be nest to some really nice guys, one a tent from Dish Network, and there was  a Guy from Final Fight Radio. Which was nice because us bring to ladies in a crowed there were times when we needed them.  Like when the drunk  homeless guy wouldn’t leave.  Or our last night when we had only half the help we had when we set up. We all   helped each other out. The last thing you want at the event is enemies.

*Six- Don’t forget tables and Chairs… We shared the  extra chairs we had with a neighbor booth.

*Seven- DO NOT Bring anything you cannot  do alone. If its just you keep it super simple for set up and tear down. There were only about three tents with ony one person. But like I said you befriend others they will help you out most likely.

Don’t give up on your dreams no matter how long it takes you!  You are awesome! That’s all I have to say other then I wish you could have been there if you weren’t and to those of you who were and who bought something – Thank you so much for coming it was great seeing you!

Please don’t forget to like my Author page on face book. I will be giving away a free book  or prize if you already have the book to someone out of my first 200 likes.

The first day right after set up.

Book Preview.

The Cheapest place to buy my book:

My Amazon Page:

My B&N Page:

My GoodReads Page:…/8449633.Amy_Jane_Sandberg

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Whoa There!

Hello my beloved readers,


How you doing there? I know its been awhile since I’ve posted something. I did not win the contest for the college scholarship. They did two drawings. I was quite disappointed. I have everything ready to go and I do plan on going back to college, I guess now it just isn’t the time. The first class they want me to take when Im able- is worth six credits which is awesome! the collage only does one class per semester which is awesome, and you’ll still be able to get your degree within 2 years. Because each class is about two classes are more combined. However I cannot afford the $3000 for each class plus the book fees. I started to apply for fasta but it caused my health insurance to be discontinued. Thus I had to drop it and reinstate my health insurance. You can guess which one is more important to me. I do have an international business degree so it’s not like I don’t have a college background. It’s just not something that I can put to practical use at this point in time in my life. So I’m going to stick to writing books. And I pray to God that they sell well and that I finish them promptly.

I haven’t had much time to write currently, with extra obligations have coming up. And I keep getting sick. -sigh- So I have found myself turning into a hermit again… It’s really hard to keep up with people other than family. It seems texting is a thing of the past lately which is okay with me because I prefer phone calls,it’s so easy to misinterpret a text. I really do love people but when I keep losing my voice because of being sick and not having my computer close at hand for gaming and skype activities. It’s just hard to keep up with people.

Seems every time I make some serious headway in the direction I want my life to go things get put on hold almost always for good reasons lately but it is quite frustrating. I’m sure some of you agree that you; find having your plans derailed similarly frustrating. I hope I’m not the only one who isn’t where she would like to be in life. I am extremely grateful for where I am but I wish I would have achieved more of my dreams that I seem to have so far. It’s easy to get jealous of other people who are happy there succeeding and have found their niquce in life. I know where I want to go, but getting there is the issue. I am the only one to blame for a lot of things I could have done earlier. But as the opening to one of my books quotes: I would not be where I am today if I hadn’t made the choices I made in the past. Furthermore I like where I am at right now.

I’m sorry If you don’t find me as cheerful and peppy as normal, but I’ll have you know I am a trooper! I am a soldier in God’s army I am a fighter I am NOT a quitter and I always push on. No matter what I face I keep moving forward not just because it’s the only direction I see, but because going backwards gets me nowhere. Dwelling on the past only brings up heartache and misery. When you look forward you find hope and something to look forward to. You can’t change what’s already happened you can only change what you do with every day you live and breathe. Don’t waste it being angry and upset about what you can’t change because you’ll miss out on so much that life has to offer and more importantly you will miss people who want  to be a part of your life now if you continue to live in the past.

God bless you today always! Have a wonderful rest of the week!
   ♥~Amy Jane Sandberg~♥

Going back to College…..

Hello Dear friends,

     Now that I feel life is more stable. I am finally going back to college. I have my associates degree in international business. However my dream was get a bachelors degree. A major in psychology and a minor theology, Bible…  I tried many different  things over the years but my passion is people. I am still going to work on my books I feel that going back to school and these particular degree choices will aid me in the long run. I found a Christian college that is highly rated and is also grouped together with two other schools I was considering. I feel that God led me to the school at this particular time. My books are coming together nicely and and I will be taking the courses online. one class every semester. That  is how they do it. Each class is a combination of classes. I heard about a contest on the radio K-love.

   I find out if I won the scholarship originally I thought today. But on  March 6th.I’m trusting God completely with this I want to go back to school if I win it or not but it would be a huge blessing and a major weight lifted if I won. Please pray for me. I have been  longing to go back to school, and dreaming about This degree since before I left collage. But sometimes you  gotta do what you gotta do first.  I am happy with my International Business degree. It helped me find some other dreams winch I know will come true one day.  They all tie together.  I trust whatever happens it is in God’s hands! I trust His plan for me and I am very grateful for His guidance and direction. Good morning /  goodnight I love you all God bless you!

★Amy Jane★

New Years Eve 2013 Open your heart.


Hello Dear Friends,

Wow what a crazy year it has been….  I can not believe all that has happened this year… This year seems like it was several years all wrapped up into one..  I forget what all I’ve written about…  Last year I was angry  and upset, I was lost and confused, I was drained and  empty feeling, and it lasted up till  November this year. I  had a lot of falling outs with people and a lot of misunderstandings. I learned I suck at  explaining things in words.  I should stick to writing.. lol.. Even  then is hard to express myself.   I am happy now. I gave up trying to make things perfect, now I am just  enjoying what life dishes out.  What God has for me…  That is really the best way to go…  Falling into God’s will helped me fall back into my dreams and my joy. My passion is to help people via my written work and by me being me.  That makes me happy…

I lost a lot this year but I gained so much in return. For the first time in many years I’m happy with who I am… I keep telling you: Only you can make yourself happy. And that’s mostly true.. If you lean to let  go  of all the hurt and stress you hold inside, and Let God in,  is one way. Another is you can choose to be happy, choose to look for the good in every bad situation.  Only you know what is holding you back and  keeping you down…. Also having that someone  who has faith in you and is constantly encouraging you and  helping you  makes a huge difference. I don’t know what I’d do without those awesome people in my life…

I may wear my heart on my sleeve, but its because I want you all to feel loved. There are so many different kinds of Love….  And I love you all. My heart was made big  just so I could love you all. 😛  Some of you settle for just Like… Being liked is good enough… But you are better than that. You deserve to be loved…  No one is perfect… We all mess up…  That doesn’t mean we don’t deserve love….

I don’t know what I was planing on saying, I don’t know if anyone even reads this…    Take this next year with a seed of hope..  Don’t let last year get you down. Tomorrow is a new day -wait better yet- a New Year!!  So —-   Make new choices… Make good changes to your life that will make you happier..  Don’t wait till midnight to do so. Do it tonight. Every one is suffering in one way or another, everyone  has issues, some worse then yours believe it or not.. You are blessed and lucky to  have what you do…   If I could ask you to do only one thing and you would’ I’d ask you to let you wall down and let people in… We are made to need people…  So many complain about not finding love…. But if you won’t let your walls down to let anyone in then it will never  happen…  I don’t just mean  your  one true love,  it counts for friends and family love too… If you stay guarded, no one can get close… And you will keep staying  empty and lonely.

Don’t Give up on your dreams,  fight for them, I don’t believe anything worth doing or reaching comes easy….. If only it was….  Then life would be boring?? :p

Thanks for all the great memories this year, and the adventures God…..  I thank you for tomorrow and t new year you are giving us… I pray it brings  Joy, closure, togetherness, and fulfillment like never before!!!!

My biggest accomplishment this year was getting closer to God and publishing my  personal short story

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

“Miracles Still Happen Today” Intro

“Miracles Still Happen Today”

This Book is dedicated to:

First and foremost God my Father the Alpha and Omega! My beloved family! And every one who believes in God and has Jesus in their hearts!  But also to those who do not believe in Jesus or my Father God yet.

!This is to Everyone!

~With all my Love~

I want you to know that God Loves you and cares about your life. Whether you think so or not.

And I would like to add…..

“Shit (always) happens”

–Forest Gump–

My Opening Words to you my readers.

You are probably wondering what this book is going to be about… Well, honestly I don’t know what exactly myself… I am just following God’s orders and writing it. This has been years in the making. The book should have been done well before now, “I think”. However God’s timing is always perfect and more has happened to me and I now have clarity and wisdom I can use to better express myself.

I can also tell you it will have key points of my life story and people I know which will all be based on facts. I promise I won’t bore you with the little things in my life.  I will be pouring my heart out as I write this. It has not been and will not be an easy task. It has brought some very raw emotions to the surface, for me and for the others involved in my life. Nevertheless these events have to be told so that you may learn from them and find your own strength, clarity, peace, healing, and most of all JOY!

To reiterate the main topic is about my life. How it has not been easy to live for me. How it is not easy to live as a believer for any one Christian and non Christian a like. And how time after time we find the strength we need, the faith, the grace, and miracles big and small. You will be amazed by some of the stories and maybe brought to tears at times too. But in the end I hope you will smile and find a personal walk with My Father and yours; in your own life!


I ask that you please take the time and read each bible verse I list as they come up so that you understand the points, examples, I am making as I go. I am compiling a list of the ones I am using in full, in this book. In King James Version and [1]N.I.V. for your easy access and in case you do not have a bible or internet access. I do suggest you look it up on your own when you have some free time too.

Disclaimer: I will have you know:

I am writing what I know to the best of my ability on the many circumstances in which the events happened to me with accuracy. And not exclusively in the order the events took place. So I will also add a time line in the back of the book. But I will try my best to stay on the main time line. Everything I describe is indeed FACT not fiction in anyway. Please read with an open mind.

Thank you!

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


My interviews with many authors

A Novel Life.LLC

Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

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Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

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