Amy Jane

~Welcome Everyone to Amy Janes’s little corner of the  Universe~


Amy Jane is a Woman of God today and Always! She gives  God all the Glory for all she is, does and receives.

Amy Jane Sandberg has always had imagination. Mix that with her love of writing and you get an endeavoring author. She has written throughout her many years: short stories, poems, blogs, newsletter articles, letters, and much more.

She has one book published “God Supplies And Miracles Happen” with more on the way.

She is sorry life has gotten in the way of finishing and publishing them. Amy Jane Promises that she is writing whenever she has the time and working hard to get her books in your hands as soon as possible…

Besides writing she has had various job experiences: Nanny, Hostess, CNA, Security guard, Maid, Jewelry crafter, Bird Toymaker, Hamster breeder, Pet sitter, website builder and more. She has also been CEO at Sitters on Call and is still a CEO A Novel Life. LLC.

She is also currently building a team for “A Novel Life LLC” while continuing developing the business.

When she is not doing that she is taking care of her family and pets.

She has had a very full life already and is looking for more excitement and new adventures and challenges. She is strong in mind, will, and faith while being stubborn, passionate, and a planner. She has various interests and enjoys learning new things. She is an honest, kind, easy going and down to earth person… If you want to know more about her you can buy her books read this blog here. Amy Jane plans to blog about her inspirations, her work, life updates, projects, and random thoughts about anything -whatever comes to mind. Her life has been full of Miracles.

Please enjoy your stay here and God bless you!!

John 10:10; Philippines 4:13; John 10:11; John 3:16;

1 Chronicles 23:30; 28:; 2 Chronicles 16:9; 1st Corinthians 13; Psalms 30; & Romans 8.



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