Monthly Archives: December 2013

New Years Eve 2013 Open your heart.


Hello Dear Friends,

Wow what a crazy year it has been….  I can not believe all that has happened this year… This year seems like it was several years all wrapped up into one..  I forget what all I’ve written about…  Last year I was angry  and upset, I was lost and confused, I was drained and  empty feeling, and it lasted up till  November this year. I  had a lot of falling outs with people and a lot of misunderstandings. I learned I suck at  explaining things in words.  I should stick to writing.. lol.. Even  then is hard to express myself.   I am happy now. I gave up trying to make things perfect, now I am just  enjoying what life dishes out.  What God has for me…  That is really the best way to go…  Falling into God’s will helped me fall back into my dreams and my joy. My passion is to help people via my written work and by me being me.  That makes me happy…

I lost a lot this year but I gained so much in return. For the first time in many years I’m happy with who I am… I keep telling you: Only you can make yourself happy. And that’s mostly true.. If you lean to let  go  of all the hurt and stress you hold inside, and Let God in,  is one way. Another is you can choose to be happy, choose to look for the good in every bad situation.  Only you know what is holding you back and  keeping you down…. Also having that someone  who has faith in you and is constantly encouraging you and  helping you  makes a huge difference. I don’t know what I’d do without those awesome people in my life…

I may wear my heart on my sleeve, but its because I want you all to feel loved. There are so many different kinds of Love….  And I love you all. My heart was made big  just so I could love you all. 😛  Some of you settle for just Like… Being liked is good enough… But you are better than that. You deserve to be loved…  No one is perfect… We all mess up…  That doesn’t mean we don’t deserve love….

I don’t know what I was planing on saying, I don’t know if anyone even reads this…    Take this next year with a seed of hope..  Don’t let last year get you down. Tomorrow is a new day -wait better yet- a New Year!!  So —-   Make new choices… Make good changes to your life that will make you happier..  Don’t wait till midnight to do so. Do it tonight. Every one is suffering in one way or another, everyone  has issues, some worse then yours believe it or not.. You are blessed and lucky to  have what you do…   If I could ask you to do only one thing and you would’ I’d ask you to let you wall down and let people in… We are made to need people…  So many complain about not finding love…. But if you won’t let your walls down to let anyone in then it will never  happen…  I don’t just mean  your  one true love,  it counts for friends and family love too… If you stay guarded, no one can get close… And you will keep staying  empty and lonely.

Don’t Give up on your dreams,  fight for them, I don’t believe anything worth doing or reaching comes easy….. If only it was….  Then life would be boring?? :p

Thanks for all the great memories this year, and the adventures God…..  I thank you for tomorrow and t new year you are giving us… I pray it brings  Joy, closure, togetherness, and fulfillment like never before!!!!

My biggest accomplishment this year was getting closer to God and publishing my  personal short story

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Merry Cristmas And Happy New Year! 2013

 I wish you, no matter where you are or, who you are with A wonderful Christmas!! And A Blessed New Year!!!

 I was not sure where to start, I kept getting sidetracked with  life. I didn’t have time to make an image for you……

Here I go…

This is my favored time of year for many reasons Such as: The weather and the fact that I love the holiday season.  Thanksgiving through New Year’s… All because of: the giving, sharing, thankfulness, anticipation of new, beginnings, joy, and so much more in the air. I love the lights, the trees, the food, and most of all the family you generally get to spend time with. Family,  close friends and relatives.. (Usually)

Sadly though, this time of year brings stress, anger, and loneliness to a lot of people. This is the first year in a  a couple of years I have not felt so lost in emotions…. We all worry about if we have enough time to do what we want to do, do we have enough money, will our friends and families enjoy our efforts. And then there are those of us who do not have the pleasure of having people in our lives to share this time with and it brings out anger, resentment, and deepens the loneliness and pain. I know this all too well over the past few years for sure. They have been hard… I barely celebrated. But there is something really special. No matter what every Christmas Eve.. I get filled with this amazing peace and my heart fills with unexplainable thankfulness and all. I find myself staring at the Christmas tree and or lights for hours not thinking anything just in awe… It all started when I awoke from the coma in 1997 Just 2 days before Christmas… Maybe because of the many close encounters with death I am more sensitive to the holidays… This year it wasn’t my closeness with death that was faced. I lost my oldest brother to cancer…. But then in November my youngest sister Got married…. Such a wide variety of emotions….  I know for many this was a very hard year, but many of us have been blessed despite the troubles… Such as my parents finding a house after almost 4 years of searching… It never amazes me what God can do….. I know next year I and many others, feel it will be a year of closure and togetherness.. I am looking forward to that tho I feel the past few years have gone by way to fast… I hope to share some good things with you in the future tho. Like some books in the next year!!!

 I wish you, no matter where you are or, who you are with A wonderful Christmas!! It is not about the Receiving, it’s about the joy of togetherness, the Giving of love and companionship… So many I know have been blessed with wonderful mates while others are still alone.. Our time will come singles! God’s timing is perfect and He or she will be exactly what we need… And more then we could ever want!!

This was supposed to be a sweet note of love, sorry I went on…   I pray if you don’t know Jesus yet you take the opportunity to ask into your heart tonight…  Don’t waste time waiting for the right moment or to be perfect. He loves you as you are and there is no better timing then now…  Having a relationship with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit is the best Gift I could share with anyone… God after all gave the best Gift Jesus… And that is what Christmas is all About… Celebrating his Birth, His life, and His Death so that we may be free of the chains of sin and be blessed with Eternal life!!!   It’s easy just read this out loud.

“Dear Heavenly Father, I acknowledge I need you. (You do need Him) I welcome you Jesus into my heart, for you are the way and the truth and the light. (John 14:6)  Please forgive me of my sins and be a part of my life form now on.. Thank you Amen”       Now go tell  someone what you did.

John 10:10

The devil comes to steal form you, to Kill you, and to Destroy you, but I come to bring you life and to bring it Abundantly.

                                                           You are Loved,

                                                                   ི♥ྀ Amy Jane ི♥ྀ

Christmas Encouragement….

Hello Everyone,

This year has been hard for me, yet I’ve been blessed! So much has happened and changed since last Christmas. This year there seems to be something missing.  I can’t put my finger on what it is.  There is for sure a cloud of depression hanging over  people too.  But I am staying thankful.  I am making a effort to spread cheer and love. Along with  the reason for the season.  Keep in mind Christmas only comes once a year.  But it lives in my heart year round. Choose not to let the little things get to you. I know this time of year brings back bad and good memories for all. I want to encourage you to focus on the good.  Have regrets? Everyone does. But… Every day is a new day bringing new chances and choices. Don’t wait for the new year resolution to change. Do it now… So you can be happy sooner.  ♥ I know I make it sound so easy. But I know that it is not. I truly believe that if you look you can find reasons to be happy. Complain less and smile more… Every thing worth doing – takes effort! Learn to appreciate each opportunity to make a choice as they arrive.

This year again I didn’t finish the main books I’m working on. (Why work on more than one at a time? = to keep the writer block away.) I did pubish a smalk e-BOOK. And I am continuing to make progress on my main books almost daily.  I am working on them more determined  then ever now. So keep checking back with me and please don’t hesitate to ask me about them. ♥

~ Amy Jane♡

Deeply Rooted In Him

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