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Goodbye 2022 – Hello 2023

My baby sister went missing. She is indeed not a baby anymore but she is previous to me all the same. She didn’t know who she was and every time we found her she would disappear again. Finally, she was found and taken in for observation and they diagnosed her with Alcohol-Induced Psychosis.

She had quite a challenging adventure from July till the end of December. When she came home right before Christmas. Talk about a Christmas miracle! Alcohol is not something people should take for granted. I know not everyone is alcoholics, but it is still a mind-altering substance. It was scary how much it changed her personality and she didn’t know who or where she was for most of those months among other things. If you drink alcohol you need to be careful this doesn’t happen to you especially if you are on other meds. I can not go deeper into the story it is not mine to tell but I needed to tell that part, not just for your sake if you drink, but also because it was such a miracle how God took care of her. He was with her everywhere she went, getting her the help she needed and restoring her to not her former self but better than she was before. I am still in awe of how God did it.

Let this be an example for you. Don’t wait till you are in trouble to change how you do things you should start taking care of yourself now. If you are depressed or addicted to something you shouldn’t be because of depression I am praying for you…. Depression is real and not everyone can recognize the signs. You may not even recognize you are depressed. The battles of life are real even if they don’t seem as valid to some as they do to you. A problem is a problem an issue is an issue…. How we deal with them is up to us.

This is good advice …..

You are a fighter a warrior a survivor! Even if you can not see it. Look at all you have accomplished so far. It may not seem a lot to you but it is a lot more than you would have done if you didn’t do anything. I used to be very hard on myself comparing myself to others asking God why them and not me?  But I am not them nor are they me. We all have unique gifts and talents even if you do not see them others do and God does. If you realize it or not you impact other people’s lives by your actions or lack of actions,  choices, and words.  You leave lasting impressions you may never realize you do. As I say often we are windows. Constantly watched examples if we want to be or not. I am not saying this to add more pressure to you but it’s the truth. Another truth is you are loved! You may not feel loved or be around people who seem to appreciate you but you are loved. You are appreciated you are special! If you see it or not it is a fact! I strongly believe that! John 10 :10 says The devil comes only to steal kill and to destroy but I ( Jesus) Comes to bring life and to bring it abundantly!  God / Jesus / The Holy Spirit want you to be happy they want you you be healthy and whole. They want you to succeed. They want your life to be full of blessings and well full of goodness.  There is a real enemy out there who wants to see you fail fall down and even die……. If you believe that or not- I believe it to be true. 

Anything you do to better your life that you can do;  do it! Be it as simple as getting out of bed, (if you can I know not everyone has that option) calling a friend, making dinner, going to the store and buying supplies, or maybe sneaking five dollars into someone’s hand. Giving a sincere compliment to give someone a smile… Anything you do-  do it knowing you are taking steps to improve others’ lives as well as your own life. I have seen how bad it can be for some who can not do anything physically, I have been there too.  Every day I live I am grateful to have life even when it is hard. I try to do something to better my future every day even if it is just reaching out to someone I care about and encouraging them.  Your life is your life and it is what you make of it. I know some things can not be changed or moved at the time but you can prepare for when they can be and work on bettering yourself and who you want to be. So when you can go where you want or be who you want to be with etc you will be ready.  When you are faced with a bad situation you have a choice on how to react. We are human and we have emotions but we should do our best to react or respond the best we can. If we fail then we should fix it to the best of our abilities. Otherwise, we aren’t only hurting the other person we are also hurting ourselves. Resentment, hurt feelings, and unforgiveness is poison to our body and souls. That is why I strive to always end things well or resolve not leaving room for doubt. Sometimes there is no other option but to let it go and walk away….. But I find those situations to be the worst to have… I am not just talking about ghosting which is the worst thing you can do to someone! It is cowardly and it speaks volumes of your character. It is better to agree to disagree or to just listen and not share your. It is ok to say I do not agree with you but I still care about you as a person. We are all made uniquely so we all have unique opinions. No one thinks exactly the same as you, anything you do to better your life that you can do;  do it! Be it as simple as getting out of bed, (if you can I know not everyone has that option) calling a friend, making dinner, going to the store and buying supplies, maybe sneaking five dollars into someone’s hand anything you do-  do it knowing you are taking steps to improve your life. I have seen how bad it can be for some who can not do anything physically, I have been there too.  Every day I live I am grateful to have life even when it is hard. I try to do something to better my future every day even if it is just reaching out to someone I care about and encouraging them.  Your life is your life and it is what you make of it. I know some things can not be changed or moved at the time but you can prepare for when they can be and work on bettering yourself and who you want to be. So when you can go where you want or be who you want to be with etc you will be ready.  When you are faced with a bad situation you have a choice on how to react. We are human and we have emotions but we should do our best to react or respond to them the best we can. If we fail then we fix the misunderstanding or situation to the best of our abilities. We may be similar in many ways but we all process and think uniquely.- yes but even if you agree on something you have your own mind and reasons why you like or dislike something… All relationships, family, friendships, and marriages, are worth fighting for especially if you love them. Remember Love is a feeling its a choice we make to fight to keep those we care about in our lives even when we are mad at them because our lives would lack substance without that person. Trust me I know. Sometimes the people we care about leave our lives on earth for good via their choice or worse yet by death leaving a giant hole/void only God can fill. I don’t want you to choose to abandon people over silly disputes that are temporary or can be resolved….. You will one day probably greatly regret it… Sometimes you can not repair those……… So be wise…… If it is not your doing give it to God. look what he did for us and my sister!

I started so many posts this and last year but I didn’t finish or post any😕.  When I went to edit and upload them I found, that they had apparently been deleted and unrecoverable. This happened several times. 💔 Probably due to the poor network from traveling and snow. It is quite frustrating when that happens. Especially when I know what I write can not be published right away. Usually, because I was on my phone or in a hurry. WordPress used to be the best app for writing, editing, and posting from my phone… Now not so much…. I hope I will find a way to do this better soon. They are still my favorite site to work with and great to write on. All the editing and fun tools I need are still on the PC. Without edits like this one was before I edited it today, they would all look like they were drunk posts or in my case sleep gagble. Speaking from years of experience editing. I usually edit my posts three times at least before posing but since I haven’t been able to do it from my phone it has been harder for me to do the job I should. I have posted a few from my phone before but then I almost always have to re-edit them. I wasn’t near a pc for quite some time. This is odd since anyone who knows me knows I love computers and enjoy gaming and writing on them.  Sometimes life likes to get in the way of your plans and if you have not experienced this then you are truly blessed.   We had a couple of family emergencies starting in July lasting till now. I really appreciate you sticking by me through this lull. I hope to get a PC in the future and a more regular posting schedule.

One thing I have learned the most these past few years is no matter how much we plan things happen that are out of our control. Yes, we need to do what we can to fix or help but where we can’t do things like force someone to take care of themselves,  we have to give it to God.  It is not up to us to fix everything and honestly it is impossible. I found when I stopped trying to handle everything by myself and started asking God to take over things started moving and I started changing for the better.  Just some food for thought.  Prayer works and you are loved. Jesus is your friend as much as he is mine, he was born, lived, died, and lived again for us. For you! If you do not know Jesus Christ as your friend I suggest you read the book of John in the Bible along with  Ephesians, and 1 John.  Here is a great online bible with a app you can use for free

Goodbye 2022 and Hello 2023!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

💕 I really appreciate you all. Your encouragement means a lot! God Bless You Today and Always! 💕

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Out with the Negitive and In with Joy

In reflection…I has been a good and a bad year…. The past moths alone have been horrid….But the moths before were awesome! In October I broke my foot… October 18th…. It is still in a boot…
>.< I am to see a specialist because its healing so slowly… My Dr. was concerned I may need to have a pin put in it temporarily… Or I may end up with an extra joint in my foot he said… (I’m praying for complet healing to maifest) It has really sucked not being able to drive… And I miss my local friends… On top of that a few of our pets have passed away… (because of cancer, brain, and other issues) Then My aunt Christine Passed away too… Right before Christmas…  ( believe they are all in Heaven healed and whole and I’ll see my pets and aunt again) I am not the only one going though issues… Some of my friends and family are too… And it breaks my heart…

But- The whole family got to be together for the first Christmas in 5 years! What a blessing! As for a gift to my parents… My sister Amanda and her Husband Kevin gave my parents sibling kittens… They are beautiful and they needed a good home… My paper back is being sold via Barns and Noble which is so exciting and scary too!

It is so easy to get mad at God for allowing the hurt in our lives… It has really piled up… But God has done so many good things too… Hes healed me more time then I could count, he take care of our needs when we lack… Hes brought my whole family into on state once more, and He’s blessing my baby Sister Amelia with a little Girl in February…The blessings out number the hardships… But when you are in the middle of a storm all you can see or feel is the hurt and pain…. I love Psalms 103, and Psalms 97. They are such amazzing chapters all about what God can and will do for you… Like Romans 8, Ephesians 6, Daniel 3, and Hebrews 11. They are all about what God can and will do for you if you have faith, if you obey Him and if you will listen… It is not really that hard… Right??? Wrong… Feeling bad…. Is a trap once you are feeling bad… It is so hard to find happiness again.. You have to choose to be happy, to allow yourself to be happy. You have to fight the lies of you being worthless and unimportant, that things will only get worse… You have to look for the good… Sounds familiar… In the past five years I have gone though this battle every year at some point. I think we all go though it… Different situation same type of battle… We need to Praise Him in the Storm and train our minds to be victors not victims… Philippians 4:4 Rejoice int he Lord always and again I say Rejoice.!!!

God bless you today and always! Choose to be happy to Have Faith and to Trust God to bring good out of Every Bad Situation!!!! Because He will!The devil comes only to steal from you, to kill you, and to destroy you; but Jesus came to Brig you Life and to Bring it Abundantly! ~John 10:10


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♥ #AmyJaneSandberg

Going back to College…..

Hello Dear friends,

     Now that I feel life is more stable. I am finally going back to college. I have my associates degree in international business. However my dream was get a bachelors degree. A major in psychology and a minor theology, Bible…  I tried many different  things over the years but my passion is people. I am still going to work on my books I feel that going back to school and these particular degree choices will aid me in the long run. I found a Christian college that is highly rated and is also grouped together with two other schools I was considering. I feel that God led me to the school at this particular time. My books are coming together nicely and and I will be taking the courses online. one class every semester. That  is how they do it. Each class is a combination of classes. I heard about a contest on the radio K-love.

   I find out if I won the scholarship originally I thought today. But on  March 6th.I’m trusting God completely with this I want to go back to school if I win it or not but it would be a huge blessing and a major weight lifted if I won. Please pray for me. I have been  longing to go back to school, and dreaming about This degree since before I left collage. But sometimes you  gotta do what you gotta do first.  I am happy with my International Business degree. It helped me find some other dreams winch I know will come true one day.  They all tie together.  I trust whatever happens it is in God’s hands! I trust His plan for me and I am very grateful for His guidance and direction. Good morning /  goodnight I love you all God bless you!

★Amy Jane★

Happy Mother’s day – Father’s Day – Respect and Thanks

To all you Mom’s Dad’s, soon to be and Want to be Parent’s out there! Happy Mother’s& Father’s day!!! (Now we know your secret, Your Super!)

This Weekend and Until Father’s Day  is special,  because of our wonderful Mothers who gave birth to us, Dad’s who have raised us:  -and- or- to the Parent who was placed in your life to look after you!  It is important we take the time and look back at to see all they did for you, and appreciate them, along with their effort; Even if you do not understand their actions.

The Bible (which I see as truth and my guide)  calls for us as Children to respect them. Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.Ephesians 6:1 KJV Don’t stop reading because I have bible verses , It is important no matter who you are or what religion/ Faith  you are to obey and respect your parents..  But it is a pleasure to appreciate and celebrate them!!!
In the old days if a child disobeyed they were taken out of the city and stoned, to death…. Eek!  And they say Spanking is harsh?

The Bible can be hash, especially in the Old Testament. Thank you Lord, for The new testament and Jesus’s blood that frees us fro, the law.. (John 3:16) If you can’t respect your parents who will you respect?? I believe it is a foundation we were given, so we can know who is Boss over us and once we respect someone we can learn from them.. Do you lean anything from anyone you don’t respect??? I don’t so I doubt others will.. Not all parents are respectable, some parents are horrid to their children and I feel they should not be allowed to be parents… I’m not talking about grounding or strict rules.. I’m talking about the ones who molest, beat, and play bad mind games, with their children. No parent should abuse their child in any way, shape or form..  If you have or had a parent like that I am so sorry..  You are a blessing! But if you have good parents great parent’s no matter what age you are, You are blessed more then you may realize. Without my parents I know I would have turned out to be some one other then who I am.. I was a rebellious teen, and child. My rules my way! But When I realized how lucky I was I stared to be obedient… It is never too late to appreciate what you have! There are so many I know who have lost a mother or a father to young, and it leaves a huge hole in their hearts, and life… A “Parent” is God’s special gift to His children. We are to look at God like a Father, but if we have not had a father it can be hard to grasp…  A different story for a different day..

Now parents, usually both work to give us not only a roof over our heads, and food on the table and love.. They do so much more for us. They give us phones, computers, games, Tv’s, cars etc. You’re so lucky If you have parents who can afford that stuff,  or allow those things. As an adult it they don’t stop loving you or helping you. They expect more from you but their help extends sometimes to mortgages, cloths, babysitting, referrals, jobs, medical bills, and much more…  Take some time and really think about what your parents, guardian, or role model has done for you. Life is far from easy,  but I feel so blessed to have such wonderful parents who are not only awesome role moles but awesome people who set a standard, and raise the bar.  The lead the way and helped me lean who I am and what I want to do. They pushed, and pulled, and always loved..  If you wanna be a patent or soon to be one, you should know and strive to be a good one! One who will set a good example to your children, even if your parents were not one for you. You can start anew. Make a decision who you want to be, and what example you want to set as a parent and work at it. ❤ You can do it!!! And every one will be blessed by your efforts!! It is not easy, it is not always fun to set a standard… But it is so worth it when you see people responding and following your examples.. You don’t have to be perfect, but be responsible…

God bless you Parents!!!  We children are so lucky to have you!  I pray, one day I too can share the joys and hardships of being a mother!

~Amy Jane

I could easily write a book on this topic but I’ll leave you with some verses..

  • Proverbs 6:20 My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
  •  Proverbs 13:24 ESV Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.
  • Deuteronomy 21:18  If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him,
  • Proverbs 23:22 Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.
  • Colossians 3:20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

Exodus 21:15 ESV “Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 ESV“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

“Miracles Still Happen Today” Intro

“Miracles Still Happen Today”

This Book is dedicated to:

First and foremost God my Father the Alpha and Omega! My beloved family! And every one who believes in God and has Jesus in their hearts!  But also to those who do not believe in Jesus or my Father God yet.

!This is to Everyone!

~With all my Love~

I want you to know that God Loves you and cares about your life. Whether you think so or not.

And I would like to add…..

“Shit (always) happens”

–Forest Gump–

My Opening Words to you my readers.

You are probably wondering what this book is going to be about… Well, honestly I don’t know what exactly myself… I am just following God’s orders and writing it. This has been years in the making. The book should have been done well before now, “I think”. However God’s timing is always perfect and more has happened to me and I now have clarity and wisdom I can use to better express myself.

I can also tell you it will have key points of my life story and people I know which will all be based on facts. I promise I won’t bore you with the little things in my life.  I will be pouring my heart out as I write this. It has not been and will not be an easy task. It has brought some very raw emotions to the surface, for me and for the others involved in my life. Nevertheless these events have to be told so that you may learn from them and find your own strength, clarity, peace, healing, and most of all JOY!

To reiterate the main topic is about my life. How it has not been easy to live for me. How it is not easy to live as a believer for any one Christian and non Christian a like. And how time after time we find the strength we need, the faith, the grace, and miracles big and small. You will be amazed by some of the stories and maybe brought to tears at times too. But in the end I hope you will smile and find a personal walk with My Father and yours; in your own life!


I ask that you please take the time and read each bible verse I list as they come up so that you understand the points, examples, I am making as I go. I am compiling a list of the ones I am using in full, in this book. In King James Version and [1]N.I.V. for your easy access and in case you do not have a bible or internet access. I do suggest you look it up on your own when you have some free time too.

Disclaimer: I will have you know:

I am writing what I know to the best of my ability on the many circumstances in which the events happened to me with accuracy. And not exclusively in the order the events took place. So I will also add a time line in the back of the book. But I will try my best to stay on the main time line. Everything I describe is indeed FACT not fiction in anyway. Please read with an open mind.

Thank you!

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


My interviews with many authors

A Novel Life.LLC

Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

Debradoo's Blog

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Amy Jane's World

~Life ~ Dreams ~ Work ~ Writing~ People ~ Faith ~

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Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

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Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.

Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

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