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Funny How Life Works.


Funny how so many things change throughout the years and some stay the same…….. It passes by so fast sometimes  you forget to stop and breathe  and  enjoy life where you are at. You get lost in the stress and struggles that often come.


I don’t pretend to have all the answers. I am far from perfect.  Honestly I have almost more questions than answers. I truly trust God because I know He cares. I don’t  just say that.  It is true! He’s been with me through ups and downs through miracles and trials. That’s why I continue to fight and strive for an abundant life no matter what I face….

I don’t give up easy and I strive to encourage to lift up people. Especially when you are close to me. Even when I am in the mist of struggles, there’s always a stuggle, and we’re  called to pray for one another.   -James 5:16

I believe in looking for the silver lining and prayer for God to make ways when the paths seem hidden. -Isaiah 43:19. I am far from perfect but I strive to grow, stay strong, positive and hopeful ☺️. I don’t want to live a life of fear or regret.

When I don’t understand or know what to do next I try to make the most of it even though it may be hard. I love with all my heart because that is how God made me. I believe God loves us all and gave us unique telents. Sometimes our talents / gifts can be overwhelming and annoying at times. That is why I believe that we should treat others how we want to be treated.   -Luke 6:31

“So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.” -James: 5:9-10

If we mess up we should say sorry. Think about how Jesus Christ treats us and how you want to be theated? I don’t hold gruges or unforgiveness because I strive not too. It is an act of my will. My choice. No one is perfect and fighting / disagreements are a part of life. I can’t say that enough. As long as theres no abuse or safety issues ask God how to work things out with the peoplewhoarein your life. If theres abuse and saftey issues  ask God for wisdom and direction  to get the help you need.

Please don’t let disagreements and diffrences harm relationships / friendships. Friendships,  relationships,  family,  marriage, courtship is important….  Don’t let them just dissolve if there’s a way to fix them especiallyif there’s love ❤️! 

They are precious commodities… We are called to fellowship and to build eachother up… We are not called to tear eachother  down or cause drama.  There  was a reason  God made Eve for Adam. -Genesis 2:22-24. He didn’t want us to be alone. We are stronger together then separated.  History  poroves this trure. ❣️

If you are alone physically you are not alone  like you may feel…. Jesus  Christ is always with you  if you choose.  I have countless  stories and  truths  of that  in my personal life.  I have overcome  more than I  could  or should have numerous times.  From moving a sofa, to waking from a brain dead coma….. 

Me 1993

Jesus came to bring Life and to bring it Abundantly no matter what the enemy throws at you. I have been looking back at the past as I do every April in reflection and  deep prayer for the future.  I am no where where I want to be  tho I’ve done a lot, traveled a lot, and experienced a lot.  I feel twice my age…. I have been struggling with stuff physically, emotionally,  financially. And spiritually. I have been in a way stuk in a rut. Yet in that rut I’ve become stronger and wiser. As so you can be too. We can’t  control others nor would I want to. The beauty of  people is  everyone is unique and different than you are. You can’t always  control your  life situations or finances. Yet you can  control your own mind, choices and your words. Your words have power!

Please take time to look around and see the beauty surrounding you. Take time to pray and study the Bible if you choose to believe in God / Jesus and the HolySpirit.  And most of all remember that you are loved, you matter and are treasured even if you can’t  see it is true.

Have a great day and stay safe Strong and kind.

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Hyrule Warriors Difinitive Eddition. Yes Please!

If it is like “Hyrule Warriors Difinitive Eddition” < only available via direct download now> I am totally psyched… I love all Zelda games 🎮

It’s hard to talk a video while playing one handed. But here’s the only one I can share right now. The others are on my memory card. Its way better than I expected and if you are an avid Link / Zelda fan you should get the game.

I think it will be a great game even tho there are locked maps. Yet the maps are big. Hyrule Warriors Difinitive Eddition is awesome and has a playable storyline with storytelling. This game unlike Hyrule Warriors Calamity <yet to come out>

This one covers all the Zelda stories supposedly up to BOTW. Of course in thier its own unique way. I gavevbmno complaibts so far. This game is awesome. The play able characters, the stories are top rate!!!! I’m so impressed with the graphics!!!

I expect Age of Calmmity to be the same or better. I think it will be way more complicated than the predicted 30 hours. Especially since it’s supposed to play like like Hyrule Warriors Difinitive Eddition and be like BOTW. Also locked maps are hinted, so probably not open an world game like BOTW…. However the maps in this game are still big even if locked! I keep getting lost.

 Hyrule Warriors Difinitive Eddition -wich compileed all the previous Hyrule Warriors games together- is very story heavy… Especially the legend mode. So much so that you get annoyed if you have to replay a area. The cut scenes are long. After watching once tho you an skip. I love how it has a gallery tho where you can watch the cut sceens you’ve collected just like BOTW  does. So I expect  Age of Calmmity to be about the same. I love how it has a gallery tho where you can watch the cut sceens you’ve collected just like BOTW does. So I expect  Age of Calmmity to be about the same.   

In order to unlock playable aspects such as Fairies 🧚‍♀️ and other perks and game sections you have to play the Ledgend mode and the Advture mode. The Adventure mode is confusing to me but I’ll figure it out. It is where you get your fairy for ledgend modr and fairy food to level her up among other things. Also I found it really cool that you can rename your fairy!!! To me it makes it feel more like your story.

If you still arnt sure you want the game? Then you should check out this guy’s YouTube channel of his game play throughout the game.

That is about all I have to say about this game. I adore it if you couldn’t tell. I highly suggest you guys get it from your swich shop. Hard copy cards are rare and double, maybe trippple the original price now. The game came out Christmas 2018, but I got it October 2019. Why did I wait so long??? By far it is one of my most favored games! And I am telling you this for free. It is also a great way to vent your frustration and stress….. You will be saving Hyrule and the rest of the Zelda lands!!!! Have a wonderful rest of the year. God bless you today and always, good night 😴

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Alligator Or Lizard?

I didn’t know that I could scream until I saw this thing! I just finished vacuuming, and went  to wash my hands in the restroom. When I re-entered the hallway I saw this creature running away from me! My first  thought was It looked like a miniature alligator.  I then proceeded to freak out. I wasn’t sure if it was an alligator, a lizard, or a snake at first. So I did what any brave person would. I grabbed the closest thing I could, a typical oven mitt, and when after it. The freaking thing chasing me, hissed, and even dared to charge me. When it did, I did the logial thing and I screened again! (LoL) But I eventually caught it! With closer observation, I realized it was a lizardyet it looked a lot like an alligator. After living in Florida and seeing aligatilors all over.   it is obvious why the creature creeped me out. I being a writer an a sci fi fan wondered about genetic mutations for a split moment. Had aligators found a way to interbreed to survive the cold northwest?

If you Live in Florida or have ever been around wet lands/swamps you probably have a knowledge and possibly a fear of alligators too. (And for good reasons)

I quickly put The lizzard outside in the garden and then quickly returned to the house to look it up and figure out what it was. Guess what? It’s called a Sothern Alligator lizard…. Go figure…. They are mostly carnivorous , yet also vegetarian. they must have a hearty appetite! HERE’S some pictures of what I saw.

As you can guess, I didn’t wanna keep it. I’m grateful my three year old nephew was still fast asleep when this whole ordeal was over.

(This is the best image I could find that I can share. The one I saw had more green with blue coloring.)

♥ Love ya,

Amy Jane Sandberg

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


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"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

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