Blog Archives


Hello, it has been a while… Welcome back!!

First of all I want to say that I am sorry for not posting more. Even tho writing gives me joy and fulfillment, I just haven’t had the desire for it as of late. I’ve been dealing with a lot of emotions and life changes. My heart is still healing from the losses this year. I won’t go into them at this time, I will in the future. I did not want my work to be brought down to the level I was on. It is not is place I wish anyone to be in. Not only that but there is real chaos going on in our country and world.

Usually I do a reflection of the year and all things good for Christmas. Then around New Year’s I discuss all that I want to see and accomplish. I had full intention of doing just that. Evey time I tried, I just couldn’t put my thoughts and feelings into words. Honestly, my heart just wasn’t in it. I did start and do still have some blog drafts.

However, they are not really life related. Mostly all just game talk. I’m sure those will be fun. I’ll get around to posting them probably in Febuarry. I again I just haven’t had the desire to write. Shoker I know!! Here’s why…

God willing. I say that very seriously. So much is going on right now the last thing on my mind has been sitting at a computer. Every day is so important and every person is a gift. I am still fighting my own sadness. Yet also saddened by all the hate and division going on right now all around the world.

It isn’t right nor healthy… I was raised that our words and our actions matter… That we have to be productive, and responsible. We have to be people of our word, loyal, honest, and examples of Jesus’s love. Why? Because it is right – Because it makes a difference and Because it is what would Horner God. He sent Jesus His so for us to be blessed out of love. (John3:16) We are to treat others how we wish to be treated. You say you may not care… But I thinks you do… No-one likes being neglected and treated poorly.

You nay not feel like you deserve love, nor feel loved. However you are loved and no one does. That’s why Jesus did what he did for us!!!

Now back to tbe chaos…. I still have a strong faith in God. Despite all the drama, and conflicts going around. It is so much more then a game of he said she said. People are attacking people, friends turning aginst one another over various reasons big and small. An example being: difference of opinion. I don’t want nor approve of violence or hate crimes.

People are not communicating well, even on the same sides. Things are being taken out of content and some are being cut off and silenced. For what? I am truly scared of the future at hand. We all have a choices to make…

I am not happy about all the forced silences going on.  It just doesn’t feel right. No matter what side your on. Violence and muteing has never been a good thing in my opinion. I won’t go further into that. I am glad I can freely  share  my words with you all still. I love our country and I’m very concerned about the future of it. We all have choices to make.

All I can do is be myself, stay positive, stay strong and keep praying. I hope we find some positive chances soon. Remember that you matter. You may not feel like you do, but I’m telling you that you are a treasure. You may not see it but the ones around you do. Even if they don’t tell you. I am telling you right now-

I encourage you to seek reasons to smile. Even if the reasons are small. Remind those you care about how much they matter to you as well. Try not to stay angry or hurt others on purpose. Treat others how you wish to be treated. Every day you wake up is gift. It may not be easy but we have to move forward. We do that one step at a time. We may not be happy and hardships are sure to come. But you can move forward if you choose to. It is harder to let life pass you by and have regrets Dont live a life of regret and anger.

We have to encourage eachother and set good examples of Christ Jesus’s love. Be sure sisters and brothers in Christ we are being watched and judged. We are humans but we are called to spread the gospel and we can only do so by developing a personal reallationship, truly knowing Jesus as our friend and reading God’s word the Bible.

Thank you for stopping by and giving me a moment if your time to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I am truly grateful for you.

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Belive in Nice

37773964_1126561174148919_6167494537938731008_o I saw this on someone’s license plate holder, and it made me smile. It has been brought to my attention multiple times that nice people are scary because they seem fake and insincere. I promise you I am real and I am nice. I wish more people would believe in being nice and trust that there are truly nice people. There are too many fake people out there that give us nice people a bad reputation. It is really sad how some people are afraid to be nice.  They worry it will lead to hurt and disappointment or the possibility of being used.    How do you change the world?  As  God says in Evan Almighty  A.R.K. One Act of kindness at a time… That is how I choose to live…  I challenge you to be kind once in a while at least. 😊

╰ღ╮ Amy Jane Sandberg╰ღ╮

What is our Worth….

Let me ask you – How often do you wonder if what your doing has any purpose and meaning? How often do you question what your life is worth? To many people don’t see their own worth…. My aunt as an example. She was a: kind, smart, talented, caring, and fun actress who touched so many people ones she knew and didn’t ever meet. Sadly she never grasped her worth. She was so hard on herself, She would say I wish I could do better or was better. She was a wonderful woman who brought joy to so many. she touched so many lives in such great ways… Yet she didn’t value herself much.

We all live different lives, we all are unique individuals and we all have impact on others. It could be in our: local community; an online community – games, forums,chat-rooms, Facebook, YouTube instagram twitter, work; school; church; family; etc… Anytime you talk to someone else you are effecting or affecting their lives and day in some way. Do you make people smile? Or do you tear people down.. But….. He/she treats me like…… That doesn’t matter your not measuring their worth, you are measuring ours… We have need to take responsibly and be accountable how we treat others. You want to know what your worth is? Look at how you treat others..

We may say: I am who I am? I just want to be myself why do I have to be nice… The bible say treat others as you want to be treated. (Luke6:31)  Even if you don’t believe in the Bible or God, it is a good rule to live by. So let me ask you – How do you want others to treat you? Sadly others may not threat you kind and there are some who will never treat you the way you wish they would… But that doesn’t affect your Value! So what if there is one person who doesn’t appreciate you… If you see it or not there are people who you touch.

Lets talk about our appearance next. Are we what society says is: overweight, thin, sexy, tall, short, beautiful, handsome, homely, athletic, etc? What else do they say about us? Wait!!!!!!!! That’s labeling!!! We may fit into one of those categories but that does not define our worth! Those labels can act as boosters or most common as restraints. We tie ourselves down by what others say we are or what we can do. We need to stop doing that. Because let me tell you Your worth is un-measurable, your value is priceless!

It doesn’t matter what you do, how you or how you look. Only you an decide your importance, our value, our worth. We are invaluable, Priceless, irreplaceable, precious, incomparable, unequaled.

I challenge you to do as I am doing: Tell yourself you are important, you are beautiful, handsome, sexy, and awesome! Tell yourself you can succeed and that you wont give up on whatever you are reaching for. DO it as often as you need to and you will start to be happier. We all get emotional and have down days but its just a moment in time, and it will pass. Stay strong and don’t be afraid to talk to others when you need encouragement and support. You have purpose and meaning. No one can be  better you, you are un-matched.

I love ya – don’t forget you are awesome!!!
╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Moving again…. Yikes…

Oh My I have so much to say, where do I start….


Yep,  I am in the process of moving again….  This makes the 6th move since I left for collage..  Oh my!!! six moves…  Wow…   >.< I am so ready  to be stable… I highly doubt this move will be my last move… I  am moving  from my the small house I am living in, to a  apartment about  an hour from where I am now..  I was dragging my feet on the move… Not wanting to  go… Even tho the move will open many  doors for me…  But  I changed my mind when I had a visit from the police a few days ago….

Yes the police…. I was doing my normal lazy  day   things, thinking how boring   the day was…  When I heard  someone passionately  knocking on my door.  My mind raced wondering whom could it be, as I hurriedly approached the door. The last thing I expected was to find a police officer  gun and teaser out… I  jumped  back in shock, holding tight to my  great Danes collar…  “Oh you do have a big dog, good.” He said..   “Yes I do.”  I replied at a loss for words… “We chased a man Thur your back yard,  do I have permission to  search  for him.” he asked. then asking  if I knew the man they were looking for.. I said no and  lead him though my house to the back yard… opening the doors since both his hands were full…   There were  four other police men and two state troopers.  Never again will I complain about being board. I was tense the rest of the day and my dog has been on edge too.. Lets just say I’m well ready to move now….  I do not know if they caught him or not. I sure hope so…….

The very next day I find out my move date has been pushed up. I  have 2 weeks, to pack and be ready.. Not hard.. I never really unpacked….   Moving is in my blood it seems… I just hoped with all my heart I’d be moving  to  get married, not to just move…..

It has been a hard  few moths.. My big brother passed away  the end of may….   I’m still mourning his loss in my future. We were not super close but, he was my hero. I am glad I still have my other brother  still..  He has recently re-married. Which is joyful occasion in the hard times my family has been having…  More good news my baby sister is getting married in Nov.. I am thrilled for her. I am going to go see her and some other  friends in October and of course stay for the wedding…    And even better news my parents finally, after three years, found a house to buy. I am so happy for them!!! I truly am!!!  God keeps His word.!!!

My new place has a new refrigerator, if you haven’t spoken with me, mine has been  bad for a while and I could not afford a new one. God has answered most my prayers….  He is still working on others….  I know I can count on Him tho.. He never lets me down.

As for my work, I am writing a lot more,  and will have even more free time to write at my new place.  I will be able to text again, if I choose to get a new cellphone…   I am  in the process of editing my blogs with the help of a friend whom I am paying . I  want to better represent my work on my blogs. However when I write my blogs I  hardly edit them due to lack of time.. I am trying to  change that.

I have been on maplestory and wartune a lot in the mornings and at night when I have time to spare… My energy hasn’t been much at all and I  feel spread thin…  I have been very sharp with people and my first reactions have been poor unlike my  real thoughts and feelings…. I am ashamed of them…   I have hurt a dear friend, but on a good note I am leaning to voice my  opinions more, and my feelings, instead of  being just a peacemaker… I don’t know  if its  worth it or not, but I want to have the passion for life I once had. I am tired of just drifting and  pleasing others only.. I don’t know why I keep getting lost in doing so.. But I am working on my  work goals now… And I will stick to it.  Please watch me, encourage me, and support me on my endeavor with prayer…

Please, do something silly to make yourself smile, and laugh. It is so important to remember to  smile, Life is hard, we have to  find  some joy in it it…   Surprise a  friend with a gift,   do something special for your self. You are worth it.. Do not let anyone  determine who you are. Only you control your thoughts and actions… Take responsibility  for them and don’t have regrets…

Well I think that about covers it all in a summery….  I will check back in with you  after Sep 3rd  once I’m moved…

God bless you today and always, and I pray he keeps you all safe…  ~hugs~

╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy  Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


My interviews with many authors

A Novel Life.LLC

Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

Debradoo's Blog

Just another site

Amy Jane's World

~Life ~ Dreams ~ Work ~ Writing~ People ~ Faith ~

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

cancer killing recipe

Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.

Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

Birdie's Health Chatter

Your Guide to Natural Health and Wellness