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To Scrivener or Not to Scrivener?

Hello Dear friends,

I ask you a question…. To Scrivener or Not to Scrivener?


It’s a writing program I had a long time ago but it has changed since then. I think it could be a great asset, better than most out there… Hmm. I just downloaded this file for the trial, thought you may like it too . Watch the video then decide, it’s 40$ to buy but it may be very handy for you. At the end of this video he says there is a 20% off coupon but I haven’t gotten that far yet, I’m half way done. I am following text description and watching the video. I had the old version on my old computer and forgot what it was called till last week when I was talking to a friend and fellow Novelist. I have done a bit of research on it and its a little like “Ywrite5” which is free but much more… Just watch the video and decide if this is for you. It is pricey but I feel it is well with it my dear writer friends… I had a house full of people but I will be testing it out this week and will be able to fully to decide… I am wondering what you use if you write… I think this will come in handy with my fictions. Especially with organizations… I get stuck often because I keep everything in one folder for each story and some times that can be overwhelming and I get tired of going back and forth. So I want a handy tool where I can keep my mess and make it neat. I may not have the most organized house but when it comes to writing and my projects I am very organized and picky. I have to say the video and images made me expected something a little more high-tech then what I downloaded. Possibly the trial is 1.o but the the video is 2.0…. I have to look deeper into that when I am more awake….
Here are some links:
*35 min overview:
*1 hour and 30 Min:
You can get the free trial and buy it here:

After doing some research I found out why my Scrivener looks different in the videos. I knew it was a mac, and I had my guess they were using 2.0 and I had 1.0 well… I was right…. There is definitely a 20.0 But only for mac users….. So I will be waiting to buy… That’s to much money to put out twice… I’m disappointed…. Oh well….


‪God bless you today and always!

╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮

Out of Town Again

Hello Dears!

I am out of town again. And enjoying a much needed break.. And paying a visit to my Cardiologist.  I have been so inspired lately and was geared up to write while away with no distractions… But silly me forgot my notes on the current book I am working on… So I guess I will just have to work on something else.. Maybe I will actually get a few chapters of my other book written… I am getting so sick of editing and re-reading my work.. Yet, I have to, because when I can not work on it constantly – with No interruptions – I loose my place and forget what I was working on…  I wish I had a personal assistant… And a secretary… Any one want to volunteer?? But you would have to work for free since I can not afford to pay you… I am barley making bills as it is.. Which sucks.

Oh well, At least I am good and can do it myself… Has any one other then my dear friend Saberleo read my last preview of my book???  Does any one here read what I am posting for you? Should I bother sharing it here still??

I like to think I have people reading my blog, I mean the page view count goes up a lot weekly.. But no one comments? May I ask why?? ~.~   I like getting feed back, I can not improve with out help…

Ok I have to go my travel friend is sighing..  I think she is bored…  I hope to be able to post more for you all to read in a week or so.. Maybe less. Take care, be safe, share your love with those you care about!

~Amy Jane

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


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Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

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Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

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