Blog Archives

Funny How Life Works.


Funny how so many things change throughout the years and some stay the same…….. It passes by so fast sometimes  you forget to stop and breathe  and  enjoy life where you are at. You get lost in the stress and struggles that often come.


I don’t pretend to have all the answers. I am far from perfect.  Honestly I have almost more questions than answers. I truly trust God because I know He cares. I don’t  just say that.  It is true! He’s been with me through ups and downs through miracles and trials. That’s why I continue to fight and strive for an abundant life no matter what I face….

I don’t give up easy and I strive to encourage to lift up people. Especially when you are close to me. Even when I am in the mist of struggles, there’s always a stuggle, and we’re  called to pray for one another.   -James 5:16

I believe in looking for the silver lining and prayer for God to make ways when the paths seem hidden. -Isaiah 43:19. I am far from perfect but I strive to grow, stay strong, positive and hopeful ☺️. I don’t want to live a life of fear or regret.

When I don’t understand or know what to do next I try to make the most of it even though it may be hard. I love with all my heart because that is how God made me. I believe God loves us all and gave us unique telents. Sometimes our talents / gifts can be overwhelming and annoying at times. That is why I believe that we should treat others how we want to be treated.   -Luke 6:31

“So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.” -James: 5:9-10

If we mess up we should say sorry. Think about how Jesus Christ treats us and how you want to be theated? I don’t hold gruges or unforgiveness because I strive not too. It is an act of my will. My choice. No one is perfect and fighting / disagreements are a part of life. I can’t say that enough. As long as theres no abuse or safety issues ask God how to work things out with the peoplewhoarein your life. If theres abuse and saftey issues  ask God for wisdom and direction  to get the help you need.

Please don’t let disagreements and diffrences harm relationships / friendships. Friendships,  relationships,  family,  marriage, courtship is important….  Don’t let them just dissolve if there’s a way to fix them especiallyif there’s love ❤️! 

They are precious commodities… We are called to fellowship and to build eachother up… We are not called to tear eachother  down or cause drama.  There  was a reason  God made Eve for Adam. -Genesis 2:22-24. He didn’t want us to be alone. We are stronger together then separated.  History  poroves this trure. ❣️

If you are alone physically you are not alone  like you may feel…. Jesus  Christ is always with you  if you choose.  I have countless  stories and  truths  of that  in my personal life.  I have overcome  more than I  could  or should have numerous times.  From moving a sofa, to waking from a brain dead coma….. 

Me 1993

Jesus came to bring Life and to bring it Abundantly no matter what the enemy throws at you. I have been looking back at the past as I do every April in reflection and  deep prayer for the future.  I am no where where I want to be  tho I’ve done a lot, traveled a lot, and experienced a lot.  I feel twice my age…. I have been struggling with stuff physically, emotionally,  financially. And spiritually. I have been in a way stuk in a rut. Yet in that rut I’ve become stronger and wiser. As so you can be too. We can’t  control others nor would I want to. The beauty of  people is  everyone is unique and different than you are. You can’t always  control your  life situations or finances. Yet you can  control your own mind, choices and your words. Your words have power!

Please take time to look around and see the beauty surrounding you. Take time to pray and study the Bible if you choose to believe in God / Jesus and the HolySpirit.  And most of all remember that you are loved, you matter and are treasured even if you can’t  see it is true.

Have a great day and stay safe Strong and kind.

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Hey There World…

Hello friends,       

It has been a bit since I said hello👋.

 Hard question to answer? It can be huh… You matter! Honestly you should be asked how you are more often. Sadly that isn’t always the case or possible. So here I am asking you.

-I am also here to say to you and I –

Getting back on topic, I thought I would stop by to say Hi. While giving an small update. I’ve thought other then just talking about what is going on around me and in the world, I’d talk to you about myself and some thoughts that I’ve had.

Where do I start… Hmmm. I am not in depression, tho I’ve been there before. Although sometimes I feel like I’m dancing on the edges of it constantly. Yet, I am always having to be on guard, staying strong looking for those silver – linings…

Which reminds me of a passage in the Bible. Stay with me please even if you don’t belive. I’m  not trying to sway you. I am a beliver in Christ, yes. Even if you are not, I wanna ask you to have an open mind. I wish share something that has helped me. Maybe it will help you. Maybe not… Please at least read the blog post in its entirety.  Thanks.

Psalms 23 <KJV> 

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

I’m not gonna dissect the whole thing. However, I feel it’s important to share the full character. What I want to talk about is this part- “Walk  in the shadows of death, I will fear no evil.”  I didn’t fully understand what the shadows of death meant for many years but now I feel like I do. I remember it like yesterday. I almost ten years ago, I was driving through a canyon. It was a sunny day out but the canyon cast a complete shadow over the long road that I was driving. Then suddenly it clicked for me. To me, that verse meant constantly surrounded by death, yet not dead. Not to be morbid, but true…

My life kinda drives that point home. I’ve had so many near death and serious life threatening situations; due to heath as well as just living. 

Do you want a current example being surrounded by the threat of death. Many people would say covid (whatever you want to call it.) is right now the major death threat. Many would also say that it is everywhere and its breathing down our necks constantly… It is a threat in so many ways. A perfect example for my topic. We try to live on but everywhere and everybody effective, affected, and talking about it. Why… Due to covid our lives have been turned upside – down and inside – out. Why? Because the threat of death is scary!

This post isn’t about covid tho. I am just trying to make a point the fear of death is truly scary. You never bern afraid of death before, never had it thrown inbyour face so dramatically. Lets be real death is scary point blank! No matter where your faith lies. And- if – when your always afraid of it – then you’re not fully living….  That verse Psalms 23:4 points out the true fact Death is everywhere constantly  threatening. To me that suns up depression pretty well too. Depression is a sickness based on fear, self worth ect… Always there hiding in the shadows waiting and wanting to attack! That sums up a lot actually.

With that said, It has not been easy for me to open up, let alone write for quite awhile now.

I haven’t been depressed, but I’ve been in the shadows of depression. For over a year now honestly. Not just because of Dad, but other things as well. I haven’t even touched my books in months. If you know me and follow me, you  know how important they are to me. It has taken me weeks just to write this post. I have been emotionally and a bit physically feeling like I am running  on fumes- out of gas.

Depression, fear, anxiety, and emotions, seems to been running  rampant. Fear, especially of the unknown, is really trying to take center stage. For a while it was successful at it. Not just for me, for so many otheres, I know and some I love, as well peopleI have briefly crossed paths with. Fear is a powerful enemy. Just as depression, loneliness and self-worth. All the above is more powerful now then ever… These stresses’ can really wipe you out, and severely damage your life. Not just mentally and emotionally, but also they can be physically crippling. I do not say that lightly. 😒

Usually its best to go talk to someone. I’ve got God, Jesus, and The HolySpirit. For that. This is my go to verse, the one I live by. “The Devil comes to steal, kill and destroy; but I come to bring Life and to bring it Abundantly! –John 10:10 Along with “I am the good Shepherd; the good shepherd sacrifices his life for his sheep” –John 10:11

= Jesus. Jesus is my Shepard. So I will fear no evil, like Psalms 23 says. Even when it gets gets hard.

Us – Believers / Christians ✝️

Personally I am just trying to adjust to a new lifestyle and re-figure out my place and goals. While I get through the grieving  process of loosing my dad, my dog and our cat last year. I do not like to mention or talk about the rough   hardships nor how negative it gets and feels at times. I don’t like to be weak or show weakness. But God showed me it is apart of the growth process and I needed to write about it.

That way I can help others like me maybe, you. I bet I am not the only one who feels down, and stressed too. But keep fighting for yourself, keep looking for the silver linings in life. They may be small but they can have huge impacts, if not now possibly later.  Either way they’ll encourage you to smile even if its just for a moment. Trust me. I know. That one smile is a small step towards more smiles.

For my fellow belivers  in Christ -Not my art but appropriate.

I remind myself everyday of all the  accomplished and stuff I have been through.. which is a lot… Also that I have a purpose and I owe it to God,  myself and my loved ones to stay positive and to keep smiling through it all. Especially when I don’t feel like it.  I suggest that you also remind yourself of your own accomplishments big or small. Along with your survivals as well… I highly recommend you build yourself up especially when you don’t feel like it.

Here’s a few  pictures  to briefly recap some of the hardships that I have lived through.

These images are proof if I can survive this I can get through the current and forthcoming temporary challenge too.

Its hard for me to be vulnerable. I truly try to stay tough and cheerful. But when I don’t express myself I end you ferling worse then before or have an emotional moment. I tried to keep all the moments  captured in images correctly ordered. It is a little hard to do via my cellphone. Sadly lost a lot of pictures due to computer and phone issues. Including the involuntary removals from social media sites. Thus, I don’t have many online anymore. I’ve learned that you just have to make the best of what you have. Easier said then done, I know… A lot of theses pictures are from previous blogs I’ve written. Some I may not have covered here but in preson, but will in my books. Don’t forget thatI and my mothe. Have some Video blogs on

  Now here are some more positive memorable achievements and moments from my life so far…

This is not all I’ve survivied or accomplished. I don’t have the time or space to go over each event. I have years worth of posts here from instagram and Facebook as well. For you to read if you really want to know more. I promise to keep  working on my books; those which I pray will change and help your life in a positive way. Not every day is promised so all I can do is give you the best I can and trust God with it.

I realized in doing this post just how much I’ve gone through and how little I’ve opened up about. Repression always cones out in some form. Sometimes not in the best complimenting ways. Thus it is better to talk about what goes on and what you neded. You matted. Don’t take the people in your life for granted, and open up to someone.

We are not alone. I  have friends, family, and a wonderful man. Even if i was by myself I have my faith in God. I see Jesus as my bestfriend. With the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, in my life. As you do too if you so desire. That gives me and you a reason to keep moving forward. 

I wake up and thank God for a new day. One full of possibilities and  chances to spread  love -joy, be productive, and spend time with the ones we care about.  Its not always easy for sure, but its better to try then give up. My passion is to spread love and joy. To encourage you that you are treasure. That you are loved and mattered especially to God.

Here are some places you can reach out to if you don’t know who to talk to or don’t want to discuss anything about it with people close to you…


The mental health issues related to our lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. NAMI, The National Alliance on Mental Illness have a 24 hour helpline: 800-950-6264



NAMI offers support and education programs for families and individuals living with mental health conditions. NAMI recognizes that the key concepts of recovery, resiliency and support are essential to improving the wellness and quality of life of all persons affected by mental illness.



We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Here I go again!

First off let me say sorry for not being on Facebook or any social media much in months. I just really needed some me time off line, and off the computer. I will be working on that tho.

Guess what? 🛩I am off on another adventure! I didn’t think I’d be traveling again. Especially so soon… 🚗 Wow! 🙉

I was asked to join my sister this time on her work trips. I will be away for about a month. I feel really blessed to be able to travel so much. I get to visit some of you and some new places as a bonus.🤝 Exciting right.! 🥳 I am overwhelmed and looking forward to it immensely. I left home yesterday and will be back sometimes mid November. I already miss my dog.

I also plan to take this opportunity to get some writing done. 🗒 I’ll have an abundance of inspiration 🤩 and some quality quiet time. I already spent six hours doing so today. It took a while but I finally got the equipment, I needed for my Mac. After losing my work due to update malfunctions, human error, and again for some unknown reasons… I’ve had a hard time getting into writting again. This time around I’m gonna be extremely overprotective of my work. 🔐 I am very determined to finish theses books! I think they will be better then before, because of the passion I have. I am putting all my heart into theses books. When they are done I hope you will enjoy.

Life is to short to let opportunities slip by. I wish I had done a lot of things differently. I did some really great things in my past so it’s not all discouraging… But I shouldn’t dwell on the past.🤭 I am who I am because of that past. I am pretty awesome too!😋 Thus, I am gonna be brave and not let fear hold me back from making the most of life. I will have courage and not hold back. I will trust God and make the most of what I have while working towards my dreams and goals. Remember- people are precious to me, especially those who I am close to. Just because I’m working on me doesn’t mean I’ll stop caring about you! 💕

👱‍♀️I feel I leaned a lot and grew in may ways on my last trip. I look forward to seeing the results and enjoying this one as well. I better get to sleep now.

Take care and be safe! God bless you today and always!

╰ღ╮ Amy Jane Sandberg╰ღ╮

#AmyJaneSandberg #AmyJaneSandbergzbitmoji #Update

Two weeks later…

I had my second follow up with my primary doctor. After going from 25mg last week to 50mg of Metropol I’m doing much better. Yay! The only issue now is my blood is too thin on the new medication. We will work on that and I’ll be re-tested next week. Fun! Thank God it’s only a finger prick. I feel so blessed that I am doing much better and my situation wasn’t worsening. I know so many of you out there have rough lives, much harder than mine. My heart breaks for you and my prayers go out to you!

I’m finally over the sinusitis, which was a pain without antibiotics… Yay- for a stronger immune system tho! I’m still having a little energy issue… Partly because it is so hot and I’m not sleeping so great still. I miss air conditioning! Summer heats are always draining for me. Even my dog is drained… But at least my heart rhythm is good. As well as my blood pressure and pulse! Praise God! All this excitement has got me out of the house more and talking to people again. It is good to feel good!!

I’m getting back into the swing of things, working on my websites, books, and apartment more. I am reconnecting with friends. Along with adding more lets play The Sims 4 vlogs. I’ve been reluctant to mention them because to me It is just a hobby. My way of practicing talking to people while having fun.

(You can find the links at Twitter Amyjane27)

I will also do a personal vlog soon. I meant to do one today but my errands took longer then I thought they would. I am new to video blogging. I prefer to write, but after all my computer technical issues with my books… I found vlogging is a good way to take notes as well as communicate with people. You can find my personal vlogs on on our YouTube channel only. Since I openly talk about my faith in Jesus there. Here, I try to keep you updated and talk about life without preaching as some say. I have a vlog Channel set up for this web page but the only video there’s the one from authorpalooza a couple years ago. Eventually, I’ll share the link for it here.

Anyways, thanks everyone for your support and encouragement! You all inspire me to be a better person and to work hard!

╰ღ╮ Amy Jane Sandberg╰ღ╮

Lets be Honest….

Hello Dear friends,

I haven’t been writing here or on for several reasons…‬. I have been very busy catching up on the ‪‎”Deeply Rooted In Him” – Book, which will be the next one I will Publish. I was stuck with a particular chapter for a little bit. Along with fighting personal battles: sickness, depression, and loneliness. I know all the Bible verses and but you have to choose joy vs sadness and that you have to stay tough. Even though I feel like I’ve been beaten up by circumstances, people, the devil over the many years I’ve lived. The Devil comes only to Steal from you, to Kill you , and to Destroy You! But I  (Jesus) comes to bring you Life and to Bring it Abundantly! ~John 10:10

I don’t know id you are anything like me but I hate being sick I really really Hate it! I feel so limited  and restricted from so many things I would rather be doing. However, it has given me the opportunity to gather my self control (because let’s be honest we all lose it at times and believe the Devils lies that we aren’t good enough, that the world is against us etc.) I needed this time to help me refocus my energy and mind towards God so the can put on the armor that I’m supposed to wear .

 Whole Armor of God

(Ephesians 6)

And to keep fighting through life’s challenges. I wasn’t going to say any of this to anyone but I feel it would be better to be honest and possibly help someone then to keep it to myself. It’s really hard to bear your inner thoughts and emotions that sometimes we people need to confide in someone. Especially for me, I am so used to putting on a Strong front and pretending all is well… That way others don’t worry about me, pity me, or use my weakness against me. But writing the books where I am telling my life story have helped me become more open. I choose you my friend’s. I’m not asking you to pick up my burdens. I gave them to God and let them go. I am just saying We need to stick together and build each other up. That’ is how I believe God made us to be.  Lets be honest we all could do more then we are doing, we all need to encourage each other, watch our words towards each other. My always says that she doesn’t  want to have wasteful words… Meaning words that only bring waste and poison int to others lives. Neither do I. It is a challenge.

Proverbs 18:21 – Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Moe Bible Verses About Power Of The Tongue

 I know when I get into the habit of complaining it is hard to get out of… I am glad to say I haven’t been in that  havib for a while.When you let depression and dark thoughts control your emotions its really hard to beak free. So don’t go there if you can help it. Then suddenly today I found this picture today and it was perfect for what I need and I hope it will be perfect for what you need.

Dear Child

I’m still fighting sickness but I’ll be better soon in Jesus name! I’ve been working on getting closer to God on a one on one  level.  With  all that I’ve been thinking a lot about where I have been and where I am now… Were am I now?? I thought for sure I was lost and going no where… That I haven’t done anything worth anything in years… Well that’ not true tho… Let me ask you – How often do you feel that way? How often do you wonder if what your doing has any purpose? Living is your purpose, doing the best that you can with what you have been given  by God. I can’t tell you what your calling is, someday’s I am not sure what mine is. But I refuse to let life’s troubles keep me down no matter how bad things get. My life history is proof of that. ~hugs~ If you need a friend I am here for you.  Please let me know if my blogs are something you enjoy reading. I cold use your encouragement and feedback. Thank you♥

‪God bless you today and always!

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

A Blessing in Disguise.


Oh Hello there,

It is that time again right… The  time to update you on all that is happening…  I can’t believe how fast time flies…

*First off: After along debate with myself and some other people. I looked into globally publishing my faith  short story “God Supplies and Miracles still Happen”. God’s  timing is always perfect. Before when I had looked into publishing on Amazon and Barns and Noble it would have cost me $200.00 each. But when I looked into it again recently I saw it  has now become free…. Seriously??? Woot!!!

So I  started proof reading my  book that was out for sale and re-formatting it for the global copy and I caught some big errors… Some how I had published the wrong copy of my book… How embarrassing…  I sure hope no one bought any of those bad copies… The story is still good. However some key things had errors. Such as:  my parents rode a train to San Francisco not a plane… Since I had some how deleted the better copy I had to start editing all over again…  This turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I increased the book by almost 10 pages… And I rearranged some things, so it flows much better. I sent the  final copy to  someone I trust to edit it further.. When I get it back I’ll re check it, make the appropriate changes and  re-publish  it on

Since the books I have up are glitched. I removed the links to them  for now. Once I get it back I will  re format those books and put in the new content… I have to do it for  both books.  You will be able to order copies of these exclusively  from LuLu when I put them back up… And Now  I’ll have a third copy… It will be saddle stitched.  I have to order  a copy to see how it turns out, which can take up tow weeks, and once I give the go ahead they will send it to their approval team to make sure everything is good and it is presentable to be mass produced.  That  can take up six to eight weeks. EEk! Once it is approved, which I know it will be, The book will be available  for sale and  at more then the two places.  I am so excited and Scared!!!! I never dreamed this would be so realistic and my dream is finally coming to it’s beginning… I know some of you have been waiting literally years…

*Second: Now that I have that taken care of I am back to working on the other three books. I am honestly  re- Thinking Amy Jane’s Mini Assortments… I still wanna  do it, however. I am not sure to what scale and what  exactly do I want the contents to contain now. I just don’t seem like the grand example of my work as I first thought it to be.. So while I barley work on that I am currently  working on finishing “Deeply Rooted In Him”  The next book I hope to publish and by the end of the year too….  And of course I’m working on my main. “Miracles still Happen Today”.  Both are coming along very nicely. I am debating changing  the name, of ” Miracles Still Happen Today”.  I’ll cross that road once it is done..

*Third: I found 3 of my fictions… Two of the three are mostly up  to date, which I am pleased to have printed notes on… And one that is really out of date. I don’t think I will dare even touching that one till much latter.. But now when I get burned out and fried from working on my personal and faith stories I now have another set of outlets  to work on and relive my stress.  I am so happy about that.. But  Don’t get your hopes up.. They are far from being done and I still have some plot kinks to figure out Before get get to deep into the story.

*Lastly: Thank you so much for reading and caring about my work. It means so much to me and encourages me, even-tho I revive so little comments. I am so pleased my ambition and passion matters to you even if it is the tiniest bit…  ~HUGS~

  ~Amy Jane Sandberg

Updates Finally!

Hello dear readers,

I finally got around to editing the links and my work page! Whew… It’s a pain to do, I’m not entirely happy with it. But my coding skills are limited… @.@ Anyways I added  a few books I am working on. Normally I would do a full detailed progress report with lots of fun little  details. But I am taking care of my nephew this week, he is currently  occupying his self with the movie Frozen… His favorite character is Olaf of course…  One of Mine too. 😛   Great Movie you should see it….


 So I have to keep this short.. 

Some of my books are on hold, oddly enough all my fictions.. Due to a past virus I had my  updated versions were  deleted from my laptop. However I was smart and backed them up on my External Hard drive…  The bad news is, since the move I can not find the power cord to it…  I had kept them together but somehow the  cord has vanished…  I however was smart enough to back up my faith based books in 2 other places. So I am currently working on  those when Time permits..  Those being:  “Miracles Still Happen Today”, “Deeply Rooted In Him”,  and “Amy Jane’s Mini Assortments”.  The latter being a book I  was able to compile really quickly…    I was not gonna announce it, I was gonna leave it as a surprise. But since They are all coming along so nicely I couldn’t help but share my Joy.  Although I seem to be busier then usual, and i have a small desk…  I am  doing a lot better with staying focused and writing more often then I used to.

I long so much to finish them as soon as possible, and I get so stressed when I want to write and can’t. However Life is precious and people are too. So  I tend to choose  experiences and people over time alone writing if presented the option.  God’s timing is perfect  so I try not to get mad at myself  for not being done yet. I want them to be perfect… Well as perfect as I can be and I am looking for publishers on two of the three books too… Tho I will probably self publish also…. I want to follow God’s will.. I am really pleased with how “God Supplies and Miracles  Happen” Turned out!   You need adobe reader for the e-book.. I’m debating paying the money to get it on Amazon, Nook and ibooks….  What do you think? Should I? And  I adore how the print book turned out… You should totally check that out.

Well that is it for  now…

Lots of Love, God Bless you today and always!

~Amy Jane~

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


My interviews with many authors

A Novel Life.LLC

Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

Debradoo's Blog

Just another site

Amy Jane's World

~Life ~ Dreams ~ Work ~ Writing~ People ~ Faith ~

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

cancer killing recipe

Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.

Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

Birdie's Health Chatter

Your Guide to Natural Health and Wellness