Blog Archives

I am here…

I have been on the go the past few months. I now have time to write. I think I’ll be getting a lot done too. Even with the crazy holiday season halfway over… I’ve already done much of the heavy work. I’ve been helping dad fix the driveway. The tree roots are raising the driveway up, and since they want to keep the trees we’ve been redoing certain areas and leveling the driveway out. First by removing the old driveway, using a aircompresser chizzle, then digging under the roots so they go down. then proceeding with re-taring the area. My main job is to dig up and shovel the old driveway ect, and replace the gravel with him…. Then together blowing out the craks and caulking the them up all along driveway to the road. Dad even did sone of the road as well… I’m always learning new things when I help dad. It’s not perfect, but it works! We got so much done, just before it snowed. We started before I left and finished after I came back.

Also while I was gone dad started redoing the back bathroom. He removed the old linoleum flooring and flooring and removeing the old toilet. I came back just in time to help him add the new stuff. Tho really he didn’t need my help. Dad is doing so much better then he was. I am truly impressed with his recovery. God is so good! We make a good team. We don’t always get along but we both work hard. We got it done just before company came!

Now I’m just gonna write while I relax in my pajamas. Just because I can! 😆 Yay- a writer’s life! I will get back to my youtube vblogs, my blog, and do some Facebook group this week I hope! I have a few more important tasks  first…

I will do my best to keep everyone updated so stay tuned! Don’t give up on your dreams or goals, any progress is still progress. So follow your dreams because you matter. Make sure you take time to breath and enjoy life too. My goal in life is tovspread joy and stop hate. I choose to be happy 😊 even when I don’t feel like it. Remember God supplies and miracles happen!I chose that book 📖 title for a reason!

Stay safe and God blesses you today and Always!!

╰ღ╮ Amy Jane Sandberg╰ღ╮

Book Blurb

❀✎☆Hello all,

here is my a bit about my first book: “God Supplies and Miracles Happen” if you don’t know.

My Real life story summarized

Amy Jane Sandberg: She is the third person in the world to have her heart completely rebuilt after being born with Truncus Arteriosus. Amy is a walking miracle. By the saving grace of God she has survived: being brain dead, three open heart surgeries, a full heart reconstruction, two comas and three strokes. She is one of a kind and a true child of God. As are you! ❀✎☆


This book is a playful yet serious. Amy will make you cry and smile. Her story is truly is an inspiring one. -Multiple readers

❀✎☆Buy It Here❀✎☆

My Amazon Page:

❀✎☆My other Links ❀✎☆

Twitter: @AmyJane27

Instagram: AmyJaneSandbergAuthor

FB Page:

❀✎☆ I am also currently Have a give away going on at my Facebook page❀✎☆

This Happened…

Hello, new and old friends. For those of you who are new, I have was born with Truncus Arteriosus, a congenital heart defect. I was the third person in the world to have my whole heart rebuilt, I have had three open-heart surgeries, been in two comas, had four stokes one of which caused me to be brain dead when I was twelve.

Here’s a short book I wrote about my medical past, including being brain dead and in a coma. On sale until September 27th.

GS&MH 3d image 1.png

I’ve been doing great recently so I thought. Yet, I wasn’t. Things were falling back in to place but I was just sick and tired a lot. I started having what I thought were “new panic attacks”. I’ve had my fair share of varied panic attacks due to medical PTSD, they are also hereditary on my mother’s side. Theses “New Ones” tho, I had none of the usual symptoms other than my heart racing for a few mins to a couple hours. Usually, they only happened before bed and when I woke up. I had been dealing with “New Attacks” for almost a month. I had no pains and no stamina. I thought I was just out of shape, so I kept trying to be productive, but when mid-afternoon came around I was spent.

When I went to doctor for antibiotics July 16th 2019, I needed for a trip I was preparing for. I was having one of those “new attacks”. I met a medical student who started asking me a ton of questions while waiting for the doctor. They were not unusual questions for a med student to ask me. I told him all about my history and what was going on… (I was there anyways right. Just be honest and tell him I’m having a new panic attack.) He then asked me more random questions. I don’t remember them all. I told him what I told you above, he took my vitals then left the room to get my primary. Who in turn came in to immediately run an EKG- Electrocardiography -It’s a test that records the electrical activity of your heart through small electrode patches that a technician, nurse, or doctor attaches to the skin of your chest, arms, and legs. My doctor then disappeared with the results and came back on the phone with my cardiologist. Honestly, at that point, I was getting scared. I called my mom and told her something was up and asked her to pray.

My doctor put my cardiologist on speaker who proceeded to tell me my heart was racing pretty fast and my rhythm was irregular. I started praying under my breath and asked how serious it was. My cardiologist told me he wasn’t able to answer that question because he’s not there and instructed that I go to the hospital with a trustworthy Truncus Arteriosus colleague of his. Because he was four hours away and his colleague was only two. I was worried and teary-eyed at that point. He told me because my heart was racing and irregular.

I had three choices:

🔹️1. Go to the local Er and have them transport me via ambulance.

🔹️2. Have someone drive me as soon as possible. 🔹️3. Do nothing hope it stops but he’d rather I not risk it.

I asked if I would need surgery. He said he was pretty confident it could be handled via medication. So I pulled myself together and went to tell my parents what was going on, only to find my dad already in the waiting room.

I chose option 3. I convinced my dad to meet me at home then we’d drive the two hours there. Honestly, an Emergency Room Ambulance transfer would’ve taken longer and been a bigger hassle for everyone. My mom opted to stay home because it was already 5pm and she knew dad would probably stay the night. Someone had to watch the dogs. Even tho she wanted to be with us, I told her it was fine. I reassured her that I didn’t feel bad in any way, I was just tired. When we got there it was close to seven-thirty pm. The check-in and triage went smoothly because my cardiologist had called in ahead.

At around midnight I was still in the Emergency Room, they gave me an IV for fluids because I was dehydrated and drew lots of blood. After running a bunch of tests. The doctors on call told me I had a flutter in my upper arteries and my heart rhythm was out of wack. They gave me some medicine to see if they could calm my heart down and wanted me to stay overnight. I was really nervous, something like this happened to my dad a few years ago after a heart attack and he ended up needing a defibrillator implant. They reassured me I wasn’t having the same issues as he had.

I found reading my Bible out loud calmed my heart a bit which was very good. My rhythm went from dangerous to not so good. Honestly, I don’t read my Bible as often as I should. Yet, it goes where go and where I sleep always! I find having my Bible close, especially at night gives me peace.

They soon sent me to a room and gave me a heart monitor to wear. (I posted pictures below) All night long they were coming and checking my vitals. I barely slept, I was praying non-stop, and reading my Bible.

The next morning after running more EKG tests and taking more vitals, they realized my heart rate was not changing and my rhythm was not getting better. When they first told me I had a flutter I thought they meant a generic flutter. I’ve had PVCs before, due to my odd heart so I really didn’t think anything was going on.
(PVCs) are -Premature ventricular contractions: extra heartbeats that begin in one of your heart’s two lower pumping chambers (ventricles). These extra beats disrupt your regular heart rhythm, sometimes causing you to feel a fluttering or a skipped beat in your chest.

Apparently, A flutter stands for Atrial flutter – Your heart misfires its electrical impulses, bringing on an irregular or fast heartbeat in the upper chambers of your heart. Making it to fast or to slow. To slow is more dangerous. PVCs and A-Flutter are common for CHD (Congenital Heart Defect) people. A Flutter is different from Afid which is what my dad had among other things.

Around 11 a.m. they came in to discuss a plan. Really – I didn’t have an option. If I wanted my heart rhythm to be good again without surgery of sorts. I had to agree to their plan. They would do an ultrasound, a TEE, and if all good tbed shock me via a defibrillator.

Around two pm they arrived to do an ultrasound- (image using sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of my heart externally.)

Then they prepared me for a TEE (-A transesophageal echocardiography. Which is a test that produces pictures of your heart. Using high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to make detailed pictures of your heart and the arteries that lead to and from it. Unlike a standard echocardiogram, the echo transducer that produces the sound waves for TEE is attached to a thin tube that passes through your mouth, down your throat, and into your esophagus. Because the esophagus is so close to the upper chambers of the heart, very clear images of those heart structures and valves can be obtained more detail than a standard echocardiogram can give them. The sound waves are sent to your heart by the probe in your esophagus that are translated into pictures.) I was escorted to a small room after and I was given me some liquid to gargle to numb my throat, and some to swallow so they wouldn’t damage my throat. The anaesthesiologist used to be a nurse for children with Congenital Heart defects and she was talking me through it with great patience. This test had to be done In order to make sure I had no blood clots in my heart. I got panicky when my throat went numb. I thought I wasn’t breathing. (Remember, I went in sick with sinus issues, and was breathing through my mouth mostly.) The woman reminded me I had oxygen on and it was currently at 97%. She then gave me a little sedation to calm me down. While telling me that it is quite common for people to feel that way. (I wondered if that was true tho.) When I was able to swallow again, my throat still numb, I told her. She said good, and that she could see the cardiologist coming. He introduced himself, told me the plan, asked me if I was good. The next thing I knew I was waking up a couple hours later. I’m pretty sure they had said that they were going to keep me mostly awake for the TEE, but I guess they were worried I couldn’t handle it. Thus, they put me completely under. I won’t lie, I’m glad they did.

While I was sedated. They didn’t see any clots and went ahead with shocking me. Which put me back in my normal sinus rhythm and my heart rate is mostly normal now. So I was told.

My throat was sore from sinusitis, but after that, numbing stuff ect it actually felt better… My back and chest were a little sore the next few days but only because they did the defibrillator shock to reset my heart. I was in the hospital a total of five days and six nights. All the while they closely monitored me and searched to find a bata blocker that would work on me.

I’ll admit it. I cried a several times when I was alone, due to fear of the unknown and known overwhelmed me. I was also subpose to be going on a big trip. It was important to me for various reasons. The biggest reason tho was mainly to see my man and meet his family. They had told me I’d be able to still go. I shouldn’t be in the hospital more then a day. Obviously that wasn’t the case. I’ve been wanting to go on this trip for years… I am not exaggerating. Something was always getting in the way tho. And now I was was was in the way. That was one of the biggest reasons I was upset. I sad I had to cancel / postpone the trip yet again. I had no choice, and no I dea when I could go again tho. They said I shouldn’t be flying for at least three months. Thank God I purchased a ticket with insurance. Even tho I was finally getting better. I was heart broken.

When I couldn’t sleep or relax. I’d flip through my Bible and read random passages writing down anything that stood out or encouraged me. Like- Mark 5:36 “Daughter, thy faith has made you whole, now go in peace.”

I was an IV blood thinner, not heparin. I don’t know the name (I’m allergic to Heparin and Warfarin. It is genetic and rare… I posted info and links below.) Along with my Coumadin just as a precaution.

I was later given a shot like ENOXAPARIN (LOVENOX), DALTEPARIN (FRAGMIN): <A Low molecular weight heparin injectable anticoagulant blood thinner used for both the treatment and prevention of clots. They are produced by chemically breaking down heparin into smaller-sized molecules. But something newer instead, but non-heparin based.>

Called: FONDAPARINUX (ARIXTRA): Fondaparinux is a synthetic blood thinner, acting similarly to low molecular weight heparin. It blocks the clotting activity of a blood-clotting protein (factor X), and it is administered via an injection under the skin once daily. Because at one point my vain blew from the IV leaking into my skin. I also had bruises all over too from all the blood draws they were required to get. I have small picky veins from being poked since I was born and often they like to be difficult…

My whole arm up to my elbow became an ugly dark purple for almost a week… The pictures make it look better than what it really was. They had to keep an Iv in me so they switched arms.

One of the last mornings I was there, I felt bad because I scared a phlebotomist or Iv tech when I was half asleep by being a brat. I haven’t had the best expeinces in my medical life and sometimes PTSD is a b…… I made sure I apologized and explained I wasn’t fully awake and was thinking something else was going on at the time… I think after that they were a bit scared of poking me tho… However, most the time I tried to stay positive and in a cheery mood. They were one of the best hospitals I’ve had to stay at ever.

Again, I posted links below for those of you who wanna know more…

I usually don’t talk about what goes on with me anymore. I was really shaken up. I’ve been so good for so long, with minor scares. I put off going to the doctor mainly I guess because, I was afraid of what they may say. I was also worried about my family and all we’ve been through lately. I didn’t wanna cause them more stress.

I asked so many questions. I especially asked them about a cause or trigger that could’ve avoided this happening. He said there really was none, it’s just something that happens to congenital heart patients; especially those with Truncus Arteriosus.The doctors said A Flutter can be pretty common for Trunkis Arterosis and other CHD patients. If not caught in time it can really damage your heart. I really didn’t think anything of it because I had no pain and panic attacks are common for me. It was a really scary realization of what was going on within me. It’s a good thing they caught it before it got worse.

Please take care of yourself and if something doesn’t feel right or it is out of the ordinary, make sure you talk to a doctor.

Other than postponing my travel plans some good came from the hospital stay. I always believe good can come out of every situation, even bad ones… I was able to meet some wonderful people including some “Zipper Sisters ” from Facebook. They were such a blessing to me and a nice distraction.  (Again I had pictures but they seem to have poofed I will add them when if I can find them…)


I am doing so much better, just getting used to the new medication. I see a big improvement in my activity, abilities, and sleep. I’m still a bit sore and my arm is finally starting to look natural again. I am still shaken up from this experience and having issues sleeping alone at night like when I got home after my second coma….

With congenital heart defects, you need to see your cardiologist regularly. I was told I may never have another attack again, which I pray will be true! I’m going to make sure I take care of myself. I’m now on Metropol the Beta-blocker and beginning to feel like my old active self again for the most part.

God bless you all and thanks for reading and supporting me!







╰ღ╮ Amy Jane Sandberg╰ღ╮

The Book is back!

“God Supplies And Miracles Happen”

The Beautiful Print book is Live again!

“God Supplies And Miracles Happen” The Beautiful Print book is finally Live again after months with a whole new look, a better word flow, and the same internal Here is the link directly to the Amazon Create Space store. The Book Will be on site in a few days. (Amazon and Create Space are the same thing.)



Gone for now – Returning soon.

Exciting news!!! I have taken my books down. You can’t buy any new printed or e-book copies. I do have some copies for the Give away and a few more on the way, but that’s it until October when I re-release it via Amazon. It will have a new cover by Jay Jay There will be a Party and Giveaways☆ I know you may be sick of hearing about it. Thanks for your support and patience. I needed to do this right with an honest Publisher. Thank you Mikey Lee, and Sara Tassill for your time and support! Those of you who have the old versions – You may want to hold on to them. They will be collector items. While this is going on  I’m still writing the other books via my tablet. (I love my Samsung Tab A. ) It’s slower than the computer, but it’s progress. There will be new books in the future! 😄 What A blessing you all are! Love you! #GodSuppliesAndMiraclesHappen #gone #retired #colectoritem

Amy Jane Sandberg is  working hard  for you….


Lets be Honest….

Hello Dear friends,

I haven’t been writing here or on for several reasons…‬. I have been very busy catching up on the ‪‎”Deeply Rooted In Him” – Book, which will be the next one I will Publish. I was stuck with a particular chapter for a little bit. Along with fighting personal battles: sickness, depression, and loneliness. I know all the Bible verses and but you have to choose joy vs sadness and that you have to stay tough. Even though I feel like I’ve been beaten up by circumstances, people, the devil over the many years I’ve lived. The Devil comes only to Steal from you, to Kill you , and to Destroy You! But I  (Jesus) comes to bring you Life and to Bring it Abundantly! ~John 10:10

I don’t know id you are anything like me but I hate being sick I really really Hate it! I feel so limited  and restricted from so many things I would rather be doing. However, it has given me the opportunity to gather my self control (because let’s be honest we all lose it at times and believe the Devils lies that we aren’t good enough, that the world is against us etc.) I needed this time to help me refocus my energy and mind towards God so the can put on the armor that I’m supposed to wear .

 Whole Armor of God

(Ephesians 6)

And to keep fighting through life’s challenges. I wasn’t going to say any of this to anyone but I feel it would be better to be honest and possibly help someone then to keep it to myself. It’s really hard to bear your inner thoughts and emotions that sometimes we people need to confide in someone. Especially for me, I am so used to putting on a Strong front and pretending all is well… That way others don’t worry about me, pity me, or use my weakness against me. But writing the books where I am telling my life story have helped me become more open. I choose you my friend’s. I’m not asking you to pick up my burdens. I gave them to God and let them go. I am just saying We need to stick together and build each other up. That’ is how I believe God made us to be.  Lets be honest we all could do more then we are doing, we all need to encourage each other, watch our words towards each other. My always says that she doesn’t  want to have wasteful words… Meaning words that only bring waste and poison int to others lives. Neither do I. It is a challenge.

Proverbs 18:21 – Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Moe Bible Verses About Power Of The Tongue

 I know when I get into the habit of complaining it is hard to get out of… I am glad to say I haven’t been in that  havib for a while.When you let depression and dark thoughts control your emotions its really hard to beak free. So don’t go there if you can help it. Then suddenly today I found this picture today and it was perfect for what I need and I hope it will be perfect for what you need.

Dear Child

I’m still fighting sickness but I’ll be better soon in Jesus name! I’ve been working on getting closer to God on a one on one  level.  With  all that I’ve been thinking a lot about where I have been and where I am now… Were am I now?? I thought for sure I was lost and going no where… That I haven’t done anything worth anything in years… Well that’ not true tho… Let me ask you – How often do you feel that way? How often do you wonder if what your doing has any purpose? Living is your purpose, doing the best that you can with what you have been given  by God. I can’t tell you what your calling is, someday’s I am not sure what mine is. But I refuse to let life’s troubles keep me down no matter how bad things get. My life history is proof of that. ~hugs~ If you need a friend I am here for you.  Please let me know if my blogs are something you enjoy reading. I cold use your encouragement and feedback. Thank you♥

‪God bless you today and always!

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

My First Public Appearance

Woot ~ I did it!

After two moths of planing and about $400.00 I had my first public appearance at a Spring Festival in Washington stare May 29 – May 31! The whole thing was a roller coaster ride of emotions. about a year ago I made he decision I would have a booth at the local festivals during the 2015 summer. I have a local friend Who just started her own business Selling ‘Clever Container’ products. We decided to share a booth together. We dd our research and plans and before we knew it the summer had snuck up on us! Which split the registration and insurance fees. It was a lot more work then I expected it to be. Not only was I getting my stuff ready I was also her Business Consultant. ( My consulting page: )

Come Find Us at Spring Fest

I helped her get started setting up her page, creating her labels, Creating her Banner and more. When I was done with her stuff I realized how much I had to do still. Buying the books, a Banner Business Cards, Magnets, Demo products, Things to sell at the fest besides books to draw attention and of course we needed an Event Shelter. I bought a nice Yellow 12×12 $299.00 Colman for sale for $99.00.

My Event Shelter


When all that was settled we passed out fliers with in the county and handed out more then 50 businesses cards each. Honestly that was more then I expected to. Since I was going for it I decoded I wanted to raise awareness and collect donations for #ACHA and #MendedLittleHearts  Because I am 1 out of 11o born with a heart defect.

When The day finally came to set up we were freaking out nervous! We decided to go early despite peoples suggestions which was a great thing because we got to choose our booth location at the Festival! With two separate businesses She took one side and I took the other but before we could set up our tables we needed to set up the tent. It isn’t a quick popup (which wold be a great Idea) When we first opened the tent bag We were surprised at how many poles and parts there were and we became over whelmed… Thank God my sister Amanda and her Husband were with us she is great at reading instructions. When we got it half way set up it looked like it wasn’t going to be taller then 3ft.. We started to panic… Jennifer called a local store to see if they had a 10×10 for sale…She was about to go get it with my brother-in-law when Amanda and I decided to keep setting up the tent just to be sure…. To out surprise and relief…… We gained the height we needed it was about 5’11 on the inside but it had lower sides to keep the sun out. Extremely pleased and tears and broken wallets averted we began to set up out sides of the booths. ^_^  All in all set up took about 4 hours, we were so glad we had decided to come early. We had a few issues with how to tie the banners and arrange the tables, once that was settled it all fell into place.

It was a high heat weekend and our helpers canceled due to the heat and illness so It was just her with her kids and I there for the three days. We decided to leave the big stuff but to take our important stuff home at night because of the stories we heard about thievery. And we used used every mussel we had doing so every morning and night. It took us about an hour set up and tear down time and by the last night we felt like pro’s. We made sure to come early and to stay late so we got great parking spots for he loading and unloading. But all in all despite the heat and sore mussels it was I think a great success. Jennifer who had a lot of great products was able to get the word out for future home parties. Due to the extreme heat There were not many people at the event as they had hoped for.. All the booths said they suffered costs due to the lack of people.

I truly am glad I did this I leaned a lot and I feel like I took the next step getting the word out about my books. I sold more then I thought and I met some really interesting people. I do have some tips tho  if you are planning on doing your own event:

*One -Make sure you limit how much you will bring – less really is more. If you have to many things people won’t know what to look at first and  your tables could look over crowded. Pulse your mussels will thank you later. One of the Booths near us was complaining  about how little he sold and he kept trying to pawn off stuff to us.

*Two – Have a idea what you want your booth to look like so when set up time comes you aren’t panicking. Three make sure you come early no matter what they say. First come first serve is most event’s motto. We had quite a few people people upset because they came late and didn’t get to put their tents where they wanted.  People were walking though the event before moat booths were set up we made most our sales in the mornings and evenings.

*Three – Know the location where you will be, and prep what you may need such as: Bandaids, water, food,  food money, sun block, tape scissors, a coat if indoors,  etc.

*Four and most important You have to talk to the people walking by, some will just pretend they don’t see you but others  would have passed by if i had not said Hi. Don’t be a robot be yourself smile and be friendly.  I don’t want to push my book on anyone It is quite personal but when I got over being shy (which is not the usually me)  and I actually started talking to people I started getting more people. Be careful not to miss people  who want to buy something tho because you talking to other people make sure you say Hi to everyone.

*Five Be – friend your tent neighbors. We were so lucky to be nest to some really nice guys, one a tent from Dish Network, and there was  a Guy from Final Fight Radio. Which was nice because us bring to ladies in a crowed there were times when we needed them.  Like when the drunk  homeless guy wouldn’t leave.  Or our last night when we had only half the help we had when we set up. We all   helped each other out. The last thing you want at the event is enemies.

*Six- Don’t forget tables and Chairs… We shared the  extra chairs we had with a neighbor booth.

*Seven- DO NOT Bring anything you cannot  do alone. If its just you keep it super simple for set up and tear down. There were only about three tents with ony one person. But like I said you befriend others they will help you out most likely.

Don’t give up on your dreams no matter how long it takes you!  You are awesome! That’s all I have to say other then I wish you could have been there if you weren’t and to those of you who were and who bought something – Thank you so much for coming it was great seeing you!

Please don’t forget to like my Author page on face book. I will be giving away a free book  or prize if you already have the book to someone out of my first 200 likes.

The first day right after set up.

Book Preview.

The Cheapest place to buy my book:

My Amazon Page:

My B&N Page:

My GoodReads Page:…/8449633.Amy_Jane_Sandberg

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Find my Books Here- Woot!

Guess what!!!! My book “God Supplies and Miracles Happen” are now on Amazon and B&N!  To get my books straight from the source please Go to the link below. Especially with coupons the site is always sharing. It is cheapest here except for the ebooks. Such as this one going on now 30% off through Dec 15

We’re just as excited about the season as you are, so we’re offering you one last chance to get 30% off all print books!

Use promo code KRBM2 now until 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 15, and get great reads for everyone you know!

 Then look what I found this week!!! My book was approved for Barns and Nobel!!! Wow…!!!!  It was just for the nook but now they have my print books too!!

For those of you who don’t know – The nook book is for nooks, and tablets with the nook app. Its a book you read on a screen… You can get a free nook app
☻ This is my Amazon Page~

here is the kindle Amazon link… Kindle is also an eBook but for kindle readers and apps

☻ You If you have heard of GoodReads This is my  name there. It is so surreal to see my dream coming true… To be listed as an Author!!

 I know that’s is  a lot of links but I have 3 more for you…  My Face book pages… 

 Since Lulu say’s I am my own Publisher… I took on this Name… Inspired  by a comic I was going to do. But  be a book instead.. So this is the main page for all my books  fiction and faith

This page  I made to coexist with this blog.. it is about my life, thoughts and work…

 And This one is for my other Blog and one of the main books I am working on now.

♥♥♥♥Thank you so Much!!! I so Thrilled and Nervous… This is my first book of many to come but it is close to my heart because It is my true story summarized. And all abotu What God has done and can do for you too!!! God is a good God… You may not agree with my faith. But I am who I am because of it… This will be the most personal thing I havepublished untll I finish the full book. I love you lots and you are awesome!!!!♥♥♥♥

~Amy Jane Sandberg


The Book Has been Published!

Hello My friends and Family,

I am so excited to tell you “A New Song” Has finally Been published!!!

I am not sure where to start. When I was asked to contribute to this book, I became excited at the opportunity to share my story, God’s story!   But as I actually sat down to write it, I became afraid, that I would not be able to convey the message properly and that I could disappoint those who may be expecting me to write a masterpiece. I am presently struggling with some books that I also am writing.  I am sure God is using this opportunity as a push. He is telling me to just do it, while using this opportunity to boost my confidence too. I know God wants me to share this story in any way that I can. He is opening new doors daily, not just for me but for you as well. We just need to walk through them – even if at times we have to crawl through.  Whatever it takes for us to move forward, keep growing, and to help others do the same.

Any ways!   Here is a note from the main editor, with the book Poster below.

Hi Everyone,

I just heard from our printer about the book’s final price for 192 pages with contributions from 53 authors, 17 photographers/artists, and a beautiful color cover with semi-exposed Wire-0 binding that allows the book to open flat.

If we order 500– the cost will be $15/book
If we order 1,000 — the cost will be $13/book

So far, I have received orders for 237.  Please let me know how many you plan to order so that I can get the best price.

Thank you,

Diane Kulkarni

A New Song Poster

I’m  so happy that is is finally here!!  There are so many awesome stories besiides mine in this book. It is a great Testament of God’s work!!! Please  check it out for yourself!  Email Diane or call her and place your order. I don’t thing it is selling online anywhere.. 😦

I can’t wait to share my story with you all!!   I love you, and God Loves you too!!


~Amy Jane

I am Home again.

Howdy Folks,

How are you doing?  I am home again. I have been home for a little bit. As soon as I got home I caught a bad cold that lasted almost three weeks on and off. I am all better now. I have been trying to get adjusted to the time and schedule again. It has been pretty hard. But I have a plan. (Yes, another one) I am gonna start it tomorrow. I wrote up a schedule and I am gonna work hard on following it. I pray with this I will use my time more efficiently.

On my trip I printed my books “The Princess And the Mirror” and my Short Story “A Knight All Along” I got a lot done with both. I have not had the time to type up the edits yet. However I am still working on them. “A Knight All Along” Is turning out to be as long as a book. I may make it one latter. I am pushing it back a bit on my list of things to do.

Since I have my other 3 Books “Miracles Still Happen Today”, “A Crimson Star”, and  “The Princess and The Mirror” that need to be finished first.. It is a good project. When I get stuck it keeps me going but it is not a main project as of yet.

Anyways, I am still working on my books. I am going to work harder. I will give up some things to get them done if need be. I am trying really hard not to get distracted with life.. I am not Dating on purpose though I did want to. I decided when the time is right things will fall into place. God’s timing is best.. If you have any questions for me you can ask here anonymously or not. I would be glad to try and answer them for you.

Make sure if you have faith in God to go here too.

God Bless you, Good night!

~Amy Jane

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


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Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

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Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

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