Blog Archives

I feel accomplished

Let’s see…Today I:

1. Ran errands.
2. Exercised.
3. Cleaned House 
4. Spent time with my Love.
5. Spent quality time with mom.
6. Read emails.
7. Worked on a book.
<I think I’m starting to get the feel of my mac>
8. Made important phone calls.
9. Did some PR.
10. Cleaned the apartment some…

I feel accomplished….!



╰ღ╮ Amy Jane Sandberg╰ღ╮

Gone for now – Returning soon.

Exciting news!!! I have taken my books down. You can’t buy any new printed or e-book copies. I do have some copies for the Give away and a few more on the way, but that’s it until October when I re-release it via Amazon. It will have a new cover by Jay Jay There will be a Party and Giveaways☆ I know you may be sick of hearing about it. Thanks for your support and patience. I needed to do this right with an honest Publisher. Thank you Mikey Lee, and Sara Tassill for your time and support! Those of you who have the old versions – You may want to hold on to them. They will be collector items. While this is going on  I’m still writing the other books via my tablet. (I love my Samsung Tab A. ) It’s slower than the computer, but it’s progress. There will be new books in the future! 😄 What A blessing you all are! Love you! #GodSuppliesAndMiraclesHappen #gone #retired #colectoritem

Amy Jane Sandberg is  working hard  for you….


Out of Town Again

Hello Dears!

I am out of town again. And enjoying a much needed break.. And paying a visit to my Cardiologist.  I have been so inspired lately and was geared up to write while away with no distractions… But silly me forgot my notes on the current book I am working on… So I guess I will just have to work on something else.. Maybe I will actually get a few chapters of my other book written… I am getting so sick of editing and re-reading my work.. Yet, I have to, because when I can not work on it constantly – with No interruptions – I loose my place and forget what I was working on…  I wish I had a personal assistant… And a secretary… Any one want to volunteer?? But you would have to work for free since I can not afford to pay you… I am barley making bills as it is.. Which sucks.

Oh well, At least I am good and can do it myself… Has any one other then my dear friend Saberleo read my last preview of my book???  Does any one here read what I am posting for you? Should I bother sharing it here still??

I like to think I have people reading my blog, I mean the page view count goes up a lot weekly.. But no one comments? May I ask why?? ~.~   I like getting feed back, I can not improve with out help…

Ok I have to go my travel friend is sighing..  I think she is bored…  I hope to be able to post more for you all to read in a week or so.. Maybe less. Take care, be safe, share your love with those you care about!

~Amy Jane

Please Support me with your Comments.

Hello My Friends,

Being Sick Sucks!! You think being sick I could get a lot of writing done, but my head was so cloudy I couldn’t think straight. But Yesterday and Tonight I got back to work.. I feel like my books are taking forever.. WAIT they are… Editing them takes a lot of time and I am not sure if they are even good to anyone but me. I really wish I had a some one I trusted to read them and edit for me. But every one I know is really busy. And have things of thier own they keep putting off..

So please bear with me. Though it is a slow process it is well worth the effort. (I think) with every edit and addition I make the better the book gets and the more I thing you all will like it. I am gonna work very hard for the next several months of the year to finish at least one of the three books I am mainly working on. Right now it looks like the book will be “A Crimson Star” or “Miracles Still happen Today”

To be honest “Miracles Still Happen Today” is harder to write because I get all emotinal when I remember the past. And the people I ask for references take a long time to get back to me. But it will get done eventually.. The other books I am working on  are much easier to write,  due to the fact they are 100% fiction… And thus what ever comes to mind is ok..

So bear with me and pleas support me by at least rerading what I post here and giving me feed back.

Thank you!!

~Amy Jane

I am Home again.

Howdy Folks,

How are you doing?  I am home again. I have been home for a little bit. As soon as I got home I caught a bad cold that lasted almost three weeks on and off. I am all better now. I have been trying to get adjusted to the time and schedule again. It has been pretty hard. But I have a plan. (Yes, another one) I am gonna start it tomorrow. I wrote up a schedule and I am gonna work hard on following it. I pray with this I will use my time more efficiently.

On my trip I printed my books “The Princess And the Mirror” and my Short Story “A Knight All Along” I got a lot done with both. I have not had the time to type up the edits yet. However I am still working on them. “A Knight All Along” Is turning out to be as long as a book. I may make it one latter. I am pushing it back a bit on my list of things to do.

Since I have my other 3 Books “Miracles Still Happen Today”, “A Crimson Star”, and  “The Princess and The Mirror” that need to be finished first.. It is a good project. When I get stuck it keeps me going but it is not a main project as of yet.

Anyways, I am still working on my books. I am going to work harder. I will give up some things to get them done if need be. I am trying really hard not to get distracted with life.. I am not Dating on purpose though I did want to. I decided when the time is right things will fall into place. God’s timing is best.. If you have any questions for me you can ask here anonymously or not. I would be glad to try and answer them for you.

Make sure if you have faith in God to go here too.

God Bless you, Good night!

~Amy Jane

Getting things done.

Hello Friends,

Here is a very quick update, I do not have stable net every day.. Nor time online.

Alaska is proof God is real…. The beauty alone is testament to it.. On top of that we have had non stop Favor.. People, Places, Finances, weather, and even animals…. All I can say is wow… God is always good. I know it but If my family were not so far away I would be extremely tempted to move here..

More over I am working on my books daily I printed 2 and have edited them, and I have written new pages… ❤ So though I am on a somewhat vacation. Being a maid of Honor is work but well worth it. My books are not suffering but instead getting more attention.

Take care, Hugs!!

I am working hard

I know I have been slacking on my books, sometimes I really do not have the time but other times I should be working on it..People keep asking me for my word count so I added them here. One of my books has over 40,000 but that is on the far back burner. It needs a lot of work and an overhaul. I want to finish these first.

Here is my Progress report: I have been working the past 4 days on my book.. I reviewed four chapters and am working on more chapters (5-6) at once, in my “A Crimson Star” book. 72 pages 10,540 something words.  I added a lot to the second and third chapters. I sent the first two chapters of this to woman editing my book today.

And I am working on my Faith Based book. “Miracles Still Happen Today” 81 pages, = 15,000 something words, 3 chapters done chapters plus unfinished 5,6,7, chapters…  And other scattered things I wrote to be placed later. I added a lot to the first and second chapter. I am waiting on my mother to confirm the family that was there and if I named the hospital right. When I finish the the third chapter and forth I hope I will send it all back to the woman editing for me. So she can check my changes and edit the rest.

Well that is it for now, God bless you!

~Amy Jane

Quick Note

I posted my Faith based book here las night. I sent the other book, the fiction to my mother’s friend to proof read. She is kind enough to help me get I ready to publish. I call her my editor, because that is what she is doing for me. My mom does not want me to pressure her. I don’t think I am.. She will be the one who will help me self publish if I do not get picked up. However I am going to try to get a company first. She has published some books on her own already. My book(s) goal is, I want to have it done by 2011. And I am well on my way. Keep praying for me. I seem to be doing great, thanks to Gos. I hope it keeps flowing.


Out of Town: Loss in the Family

Hey all,

Just a quick update. I am out of town. My grandpa was extremly ill, and passed away Sunday. I came to Washington State form Florida. To say good bye, and stay for a family gathering.

I brought my laptop and books,  because I thought I would have lots of time to write. But no time has come up where I am in my right mind. So I am sorry for the delays but no new chapters for awhile. Maybe some time this week I will get some work done. I feel like a zombie going through the motions most the time.

Any ways please make sure to leave comments, notes, feedback. I want to get your input. Good and Bad.  It is still very raw, I do not have an editor yet. I am hoping my friend Karlin and Tony may help. We shall see.

“Grandpa Guy I will miss you! I look forward to seeing you in Heaven one day though!

Take care, hugs!

~Anjiu SutoMu

Yay! Work! No time!

Things have been going good I have been inspired but not a lot of time to write like I had hoped and planed for.  I like helping my family out but they keep calling me away when I have the writing bug.  I need to just tell my family to give me a break so I can write.. But I can’t seem to say no to them.

Good news is, I have gotten some work done. Not as much as I need to do. I may have to just disappear for a few hours some time and just write. If only I could find a place.  Bad news to you.  I pass word protected those two chapter / entries. But  for 2 good reasons.

1. I didn’t like the chapter ending to “A Crimson Star” I will fix it soon.

2. I think the other one “A Knight All Along” could be extended. And since they are both first chapters. You should have a good impact / impression on them.. Tomorrow I will try and edit both of those and post more of my work..

Then, some feed back would be great!  Thanks.

~Amy Jane

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


My interviews with many authors

A Novel Life.LLC

Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

Debradoo's Blog

Just another site

Amy Jane's World

~Life ~ Dreams ~ Work ~ Writing~ People ~ Faith ~

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

cancer killing recipe

Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.

Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

Birdie's Health Chatter

Your Guide to Natural Health and Wellness