Blog Archives

I am here…

I have been on the go the past few months. I now have time to write. I think I’ll be getting a lot done too. Even with the crazy holiday season halfway over… I’ve already done much of the heavy work. I’ve been helping dad fix the driveway. The tree roots are raising the driveway up, and since they want to keep the trees we’ve been redoing certain areas and leveling the driveway out. First by removing the old driveway, using a aircompresser chizzle, then digging under the roots so they go down. then proceeding with re-taring the area. My main job is to dig up and shovel the old driveway ect, and replace the gravel with him…. Then together blowing out the craks and caulking the them up all along driveway to the road. Dad even did sone of the road as well… I’m always learning new things when I help dad. It’s not perfect, but it works! We got so much done, just before it snowed. We started before I left and finished after I came back.

Also while I was gone dad started redoing the back bathroom. He removed the old linoleum flooring and flooring and removeing the old toilet. I came back just in time to help him add the new stuff. Tho really he didn’t need my help. Dad is doing so much better then he was. I am truly impressed with his recovery. God is so good! We make a good team. We don’t always get along but we both work hard. We got it done just before company came!

Now I’m just gonna write while I relax in my pajamas. Just because I can! 😆 Yay- a writer’s life! I will get back to my youtube vblogs, my blog, and do some Facebook group this week I hope! I have a few more important tasks  first…

I will do my best to keep everyone updated so stay tuned! Don’t give up on your dreams or goals, any progress is still progress. So follow your dreams because you matter. Make sure you take time to breath and enjoy life too. My goal in life is tovspread joy and stop hate. I choose to be happy 😊 even when I don’t feel like it. Remember God supplies and miracles happen!I chose that book 📖 title for a reason!

Stay safe and God blesses you today and Always!!

╰ღ╮ Amy Jane Sandberg╰ღ╮


Hello Friends,

I’m home for a bit. I’ve been traveling a lot. Don’t get me wrong I love traveling but it is also nice to take a break. Yet it feels a little odd. Sometimes I wonder if this was the life I was meant for? Still tho it is nice to have a place to call home and rest. We all need to rest at times right?


I really love October. It is my favored moth of the year and not because of Haloween. I always just felt more alive and fresh every October in Florida. My parents were married on October 11th and my Favored Bible verses is John 10:10. SO I always hoped one day maybe I could get married on October 10th.  I recently found out the Cherokee tribe considers October as the New Year moth, and not January. 

We are part Cherokee on my mom and dad’s side. My dentist was actually said the number of points I have on some of my teeth proved I was Cherokee. It is silly but knowing this really makes a lot of things in my life make sense better.  Since it is October I want to Say Happy new year to the  Cherokee people!


I don’t have much time until I am off on another trip. I will work on my books, continue to clean out the house more, and continue to make progress towards who I want to be … I don’t have much time but I will make the most of it. I hope.  Let us be honest it is a never-ending job!!! 

 Stay safe and God blesses you today and Always!! 

╰ღ╮ Amy Jane Sandberg╰ღ╮


Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


My interviews with many authors

A Novel Life.LLC

Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

Debradoo's Blog

Just another site

Amy Jane's World

~Life ~ Dreams ~ Work ~ Writing~ People ~ Faith ~

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

cancer killing recipe

Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.

Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

Birdie's Health Chatter

Your Guide to Natural Health and Wellness