Monthly Archives: April 2014

Whoa There!

Hello my beloved readers,


How you doing there? I know its been awhile since I’ve posted something. I did not win the contest for the college scholarship. They did two drawings. I was quite disappointed. I have everything ready to go and I do plan on going back to college, I guess now it just isn’t the time. The first class they want me to take when Im able- is worth six credits which is awesome! the collage only does one class per semester which is awesome, and you’ll still be able to get your degree within 2 years. Because each class is about two classes are more combined. However I cannot afford the $3000 for each class plus the book fees. I started to apply for fasta but it caused my health insurance to be discontinued. Thus I had to drop it and reinstate my health insurance. You can guess which one is more important to me. I do have an international business degree so it’s not like I don’t have a college background. It’s just not something that I can put to practical use at this point in time in my life. So I’m going to stick to writing books. And I pray to God that they sell well and that I finish them promptly.

I haven’t had much time to write currently, with extra obligations have coming up. And I keep getting sick. -sigh- So I have found myself turning into a hermit again… It’s really hard to keep up with people other than family. It seems texting is a thing of the past lately which is okay with me because I prefer phone calls,it’s so easy to misinterpret a text. I really do love people but when I keep losing my voice because of being sick and not having my computer close at hand for gaming and skype activities. It’s just hard to keep up with people.

Seems every time I make some serious headway in the direction I want my life to go things get put on hold almost always for good reasons lately but it is quite frustrating. I’m sure some of you agree that you; find having your plans derailed similarly frustrating. I hope I’m not the only one who isn’t where she would like to be in life. I am extremely grateful for where I am but I wish I would have achieved more of my dreams that I seem to have so far. It’s easy to get jealous of other people who are happy there succeeding and have found their niquce in life. I know where I want to go, but getting there is the issue. I am the only one to blame for a lot of things I could have done earlier. But as the opening to one of my books quotes: I would not be where I am today if I hadn’t made the choices I made in the past. Furthermore I like where I am at right now.

I’m sorry If you don’t find me as cheerful and peppy as normal, but I’ll have you know I am a trooper! I am a soldier in God’s army I am a fighter I am NOT a quitter and I always push on. No matter what I face I keep moving forward not just because it’s the only direction I see, but because going backwards gets me nowhere. Dwelling on the past only brings up heartache and misery. When you look forward you find hope and something to look forward to. You can’t change what’s already happened you can only change what you do with every day you live and breathe. Don’t waste it being angry and upset about what you can’t change because you’ll miss out on so much that life has to offer and more importantly you will miss people who want  to be a part of your life now if you continue to live in the past.

God bless you today always! Have a wonderful rest of the week!
   ♥~Amy Jane Sandberg~♥

Celebrate life to the fullest!!!


Happy Birthday to me!!  Yes this sound a little vain, but let me explain…   Today as you guessed it is my birthday! I am…   If you know me I have always valued  Birthdays to the max.  I make big deals about  everyone’s birthdays. Because  Life is a blessing!! My mom’s birthday is April 6th. So I’m 33, Where has the time gone?? So mych has changed in just the past 4 years…

A Bit of History: The past few years I haven’t really celebrated my birthday. If you didn’t know my whole immediate family used to work at the “Kennedy Space Center” in Florida. Since NASA  shut down the Shuttle Launches, my family’s life has been  quite crazy. Everyone lost their jobs… My  family started relocating spreading out moving way one by one. Everything was different. We were extremely close family. I mean every one has their issues but, its great when you have such a great family close by. So it was a huge finical and emotional  strain.  That was about 4 years ago.
In Jan 2011 I packed 5 suitcases and moved across country  because God told me to. It wasn’t easy leaving all  I knew and  making that jump of faith. I took turns living with my mom and sister Amanda, living mainly out of 1 suitcase…  It was quite the adventure really…  Mainly because their landlords wanted to raise the rent if I would be permanently living with them. So I rode the train back and forth..  Not knowing when I’d  feel relaxed and at home…  But after about year I got my first rental house, which I loved! In a  very small town, within a canyon.  Birthdays’s were hard to get together for and often spent alone.  Last year  I moved again,  which I was a bit angry about at first bit its been great since.

Last years Birthday was the worst I will ever remember! Because we got word my brother was very ill with cancer, so we all got together and went to go see him. (It was a blessing we were all together but, we completely ignored our birthdays.) It was very touching, very draining and over all very hard……

So when this year came along I  was mad at the loss of loosing my brother, I was mad we’re all apart yet again, due to life. I only reached one goal, publishing my short story “God Supplies and Miracles Happen”.  Honestly, I was depressed and angry… But I choose to buck up and clean my apt… I have come to the conclusion  that cleaning brings you closer to God.  You work out your stress and vent your  emotions… Now I understand the saying “Cleanliness is close to godliness”.

This morning when I woke up, I was refreshed and reminded why Birthdays are so important. They are to celebrate life, life God gave us! No matter where we are,  or who we are with,  we need to take joy and be happy we can live another day, we have another day to work on our goals, etc..   So I am happy its my Birthday!! The day I was born into this world. Even with all the hardships I’ve endured, (not as much as some)  I am happy to be alive.. Another day full of experiences…  

If you are a gamer… The higher level you are the more experience you have, the better your gear and skills are… If we look at our ages as game level…. It makes aging so much better… So where ever you are, whomever your with, be happy about your age, and celebrate life to the fullest!!!

Now please excuse me while I go get  ready to go run some errands and  go to  an early  dinner with my Mom, and this weekend my sister Amanda and her Husband will come visit. And my mother and I will officially celebrate our birthdays together with all four of us… She’s the bigger person sharing her special day with me.. I am very blessed…

Ps.  By the end of the year we will all be in one state again!! Even tho we may be a few hours apart its much better then across country!

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


My interviews with many authors

A Novel Life.LLC

Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

Debradoo's Blog

Just another site

Amy Jane's World

~Life ~ Dreams ~ Work ~ Writing~ People ~ Faith ~

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

cancer killing recipe

Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.

Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

Birdie's Health Chatter

Your Guide to Natural Health and Wellness