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Don’t let fear keep you from Life.

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share this with you. It has been on my heart for a while. I just haven’t taken the time to write it yet. It is an important topic for discussion…. I realize somewhere I got lost living in fear. I am not happy living there. It is not my normal residency either. I have no idea how long I have been here. A year? Maybe two?

Usually, I don’t live with fear. I live with the hope of the idea of: someday, somehow… I live by doing my best and having faith for the rest of it… Because one never knows what tomorrow holds. There are three ways to fail.

If we complain about what we don’t have, if we blame others for our own lack we won’t get anywhere. We can’t live with resentment, anger, or ungratefulness. Those are tools that hold you back. They let fear work its way into your life if its not already there. You also can’t try to live up to others’ expectations. It is impossible to be who they want and yourself. Just be yourself.

FEAR is a powerful weapon and enemy that strikes you at every chance. Fear of failure, missing out, not being noticed, not being good enough, fear of being forced, ect… You have to believe in yourself and know that you have a unique creative presence and purpose. One that only you have…

Life is short, you do not know what tomorrow holds. What will change, what may happen or not happen… There are so many possibilities and chances… You need to overcome the fear and put forth the effort. Work towards your desires, dreams, goals.

Don’t put off what you wanna do or where you wanna go, because you think you may fail, you have failed. With the thought, it may not work out… If you don’t try… If you don’t put yourself out there nothing will ever change! Simple as that! If you don’t put in the effort and let go of or overcome the fear you will never get your reach your dreams, desires, or goals…

I say this out of true love and from personal experience… Life Hard!!!!! I have put off some things I really wanted and then it was to beforehand have regrets… I don’t ever want to do that again… I don’t want to live with regrets or see anyone miss out on their dreams for lack of trying.

You have to do it for yourself! You deserve happiness… You are special, amazing, and loved!! Don’t be afraid. Fear keeps us from joy! From reaching potentials we may not even know is possible.

We may never be fully satisfied with our lives, but we can do our best and make the best out of what we have!!!

💕   I really appreciate you all. Your encouragement means a lot! 

I hope you find your passion if you haven’t and stay safe!  

God bless you today and always!

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Never Give Up

Hello all Good Day!

How are you doing? Especially with all the chaos and stresses that are going on with the crazy world right now. I know this year is extra rough for our family. Especially for mom and I. Not only did we loose my dad in April, after he survived so many trials so suddenly… We also lost some pets. My one of my parents twin cats, mainly my dad’s ran away, or or was abducted Early June… We’re still hoping she will come back. Then my Great Dane and best friend passed away less then a month ago. Talk about rough… I understand that some people may have it worse but this is extremely painful 💔 😢.

That’s not all of what’s been going on. I’m not going to mention the little things. Our whole family is struggling with so much right now… Mom’s been really strong. My parent’s are my real life heros for a reason. We were both in a deep depression. We are doing better tho. Taking it one day at a time. This depression was the 2nd worst I’ve been through. The thing about depression is you seem ok at some points then you get knocked down and out of nowhere. Its like a panic attack or anxiety attack without having the full symptoms. You feel numb, trapped, like a shell of a person, if even a person. Maybe a you are robot… I told my man. It’s like I have theses support walls up, but inside theres nothing but broken rubble. For the past several years I’ve been taking care and supporting my dad. We were very close and were together most of the day until he got better. Then he started doing his own stuff but it didn’t last long. He suddenly had cancer and ended up leaving us because of heart failure. Anyways…

It sounds funny but Frozen 2 actually helped us, especially my mom. Mainly Ana’s song “The Next Right Thing”


“The Next Right Thing” lyrics:

I’ve seen dark before, but not like this
This is cold, this is empty, this is numb
The life I knew is over, the lights are out
Hello, darkness, I’m ready to succumb
I follow you around, I always have
But you’ve gone to a place I cannot find
This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down
But a tiny voice whispers in my mind
You are lost, hope is gone
But you must go on
And do the next right thing
Can there be a day beyond this night?
I don’t know anymore what is true
I can’t find my direction, I’m all alone
The only star that guided me was you
How to rise from the floor?
But it’s not you I’m rising for
Just do the next right thing
Take a step, step again
It is all that I can to do
The next right thing
I won’t look too far ahead
It’s too much for me to take
But break it down to this next breath, this next step
This next choice is one that I can make
So I’ll walk through this night
Stumbling blindly toward the light
And do the next right thing
And, with it done, what comes then?
When it’s clear that everything will never be the same again
Then I’ll make the choice to hear that voice
And do the next right thing
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Kristen Anderson-Lopez / Robert Lopez
The Next Right Thing lyrics © Walt Disney Music Company


Neither of us could have gone through this alone. Not without the help from God / Jesus / The Holy Spirit, our loved ones and our friends. We still gave a long way to go but we are all pressing forward one step at a time with lots of love and  prayers.

I am starting to  remember who I was and who I am subosoed to be.  I want to hold on to that.

Remember matter what your doing this week, working or playing – Smile. It is a a choice we make. To let things get to us or to smile and move forward. knowing you can and will survive – whatever your going through:  Losses,  Rude people, things keep going wrong, etc. Whatever it is, know tomorrow is a new day. Look for the good in the bad, smile and show the world you won’t let anyone but you control how you feel. That to me is what a real warrior does. Now go have an Awesome week!!

🤔Depression seems to be going around….😔 Know that You matter❣ Know that it is ok to  admit that you are not ok and need help or people. THERE’ IS NO SHUH THING AS PERFECT ❣❣❣❣ We are humans, an all have issues, fults,  and needs. But also remember that you are AWESOME and needed!!!! Even if you don’t feel that way… It is the truth ❣❣❣

Here are some places you can reach out to if you don’t know who to talk to or don’t want to discuss anything about it with people close to you..


The mental health issues related to our lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. NAMI, The National Alliance on Mental Illness have a 24 hour helpline: 800-950-6264



NAMI offers support and education programs for families and individuals living with mental health conditions. NAMI recognizes that the key concepts of recovery, resiliency and support are essential to improving the wellness and quality of life of all persons affected by mental illness.



We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Remember that you are not alone and that you are loved!!!

💚 Amy Jane Sandberg 💚

Out with the Negitive and In with Joy

In reflection…I has been a good and a bad year…. The past moths alone have been horrid….But the moths before were awesome! In October I broke my foot… October 18th…. It is still in a boot…
>.< I am to see a specialist because its healing so slowly… My Dr. was concerned I may need to have a pin put in it temporarily… Or I may end up with an extra joint in my foot he said… (I’m praying for complet healing to maifest) It has really sucked not being able to drive… And I miss my local friends… On top of that a few of our pets have passed away… (because of cancer, brain, and other issues) Then My aunt Christine Passed away too… Right before Christmas…  ( believe they are all in Heaven healed and whole and I’ll see my pets and aunt again) I am not the only one going though issues… Some of my friends and family are too… And it breaks my heart…

But- The whole family got to be together for the first Christmas in 5 years! What a blessing! As for a gift to my parents… My sister Amanda and her Husband Kevin gave my parents sibling kittens… They are beautiful and they needed a good home… My paper back is being sold via Barns and Noble which is so exciting and scary too!

It is so easy to get mad at God for allowing the hurt in our lives… It has really piled up… But God has done so many good things too… Hes healed me more time then I could count, he take care of our needs when we lack… Hes brought my whole family into on state once more, and He’s blessing my baby Sister Amelia with a little Girl in February…The blessings out number the hardships… But when you are in the middle of a storm all you can see or feel is the hurt and pain…. I love Psalms 103, and Psalms 97. They are such amazzing chapters all about what God can and will do for you… Like Romans 8, Ephesians 6, Daniel 3, and Hebrews 11. They are all about what God can and will do for you if you have faith, if you obey Him and if you will listen… It is not really that hard… Right??? Wrong… Feeling bad…. Is a trap once you are feeling bad… It is so hard to find happiness again.. You have to choose to be happy, to allow yourself to be happy. You have to fight the lies of you being worthless and unimportant, that things will only get worse… You have to look for the good… Sounds familiar… In the past five years I have gone though this battle every year at some point. I think we all go though it… Different situation same type of battle… We need to Praise Him in the Storm and train our minds to be victors not victims… Philippians 4:4 Rejoice int he Lord always and again I say Rejoice.!!!

God bless you today and always! Choose to be happy to Have Faith and to Trust God to bring good out of Every Bad Situation!!!! Because He will!The devil comes only to steal from you, to kill you, and to destroy you; but Jesus came to Brig you Life and to Bring it Abundantly! ~John 10:10


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♥ #AmyJaneSandberg

Merry Cristmas And Happy New Year! 2013

 I wish you, no matter where you are or, who you are with A wonderful Christmas!! And A Blessed New Year!!!

 I was not sure where to start, I kept getting sidetracked with  life. I didn’t have time to make an image for you……

Here I go…

This is my favored time of year for many reasons Such as: The weather and the fact that I love the holiday season.  Thanksgiving through New Year’s… All because of: the giving, sharing, thankfulness, anticipation of new, beginnings, joy, and so much more in the air. I love the lights, the trees, the food, and most of all the family you generally get to spend time with. Family,  close friends and relatives.. (Usually)

Sadly though, this time of year brings stress, anger, and loneliness to a lot of people. This is the first year in a  a couple of years I have not felt so lost in emotions…. We all worry about if we have enough time to do what we want to do, do we have enough money, will our friends and families enjoy our efforts. And then there are those of us who do not have the pleasure of having people in our lives to share this time with and it brings out anger, resentment, and deepens the loneliness and pain. I know this all too well over the past few years for sure. They have been hard… I barely celebrated. But there is something really special. No matter what every Christmas Eve.. I get filled with this amazing peace and my heart fills with unexplainable thankfulness and all. I find myself staring at the Christmas tree and or lights for hours not thinking anything just in awe… It all started when I awoke from the coma in 1997 Just 2 days before Christmas… Maybe because of the many close encounters with death I am more sensitive to the holidays… This year it wasn’t my closeness with death that was faced. I lost my oldest brother to cancer…. But then in November my youngest sister Got married…. Such a wide variety of emotions….  I know for many this was a very hard year, but many of us have been blessed despite the troubles… Such as my parents finding a house after almost 4 years of searching… It never amazes me what God can do….. I know next year I and many others, feel it will be a year of closure and togetherness.. I am looking forward to that tho I feel the past few years have gone by way to fast… I hope to share some good things with you in the future tho. Like some books in the next year!!!

 I wish you, no matter where you are or, who you are with A wonderful Christmas!! It is not about the Receiving, it’s about the joy of togetherness, the Giving of love and companionship… So many I know have been blessed with wonderful mates while others are still alone.. Our time will come singles! God’s timing is perfect and He or she will be exactly what we need… And more then we could ever want!!

This was supposed to be a sweet note of love, sorry I went on…   I pray if you don’t know Jesus yet you take the opportunity to ask into your heart tonight…  Don’t waste time waiting for the right moment or to be perfect. He loves you as you are and there is no better timing then now…  Having a relationship with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit is the best Gift I could share with anyone… God after all gave the best Gift Jesus… And that is what Christmas is all About… Celebrating his Birth, His life, and His Death so that we may be free of the chains of sin and be blessed with Eternal life!!!   It’s easy just read this out loud.

“Dear Heavenly Father, I acknowledge I need you. (You do need Him) I welcome you Jesus into my heart, for you are the way and the truth and the light. (John 14:6)  Please forgive me of my sins and be a part of my life form now on.. Thank you Amen”       Now go tell  someone what you did.

John 10:10

The devil comes to steal form you, to Kill you, and to Destroy you, but I come to bring you life and to bring it Abundantly.

                                                           You are Loved,

                                                                   ི♥ྀ Amy Jane ི♥ྀ

Life Is a Gift!

Hello My Dear Readers,

Life is so precious, and so many people go through each day taking it for granted.  They miss the simplicity and beauty of everyday things like a cool breeze blowing past;   the sun and moon rising and setting;  the endless blanket of stars, shimmering in the dark sky;  the unique  variety,  charm and even  humor in all the  creatures, plants, and bugs;  the collage of colors  all around us: in the earth, and in art.   Let us not forget the poetic beauty of people. We all have wants, dreams, goals, fears, insecurities,  good qualities and bad …At times we all fail to stop and enjoy every sweet moment life  presents us, we get so caught up in worries and needs, we forget what we  have, or received… We can easily forget what is really important.  It’s those moments that make life worth living…If you are blessed with people in your life that you care about; make time for them, tell them how much you love them. Time is limited! There is always stuff going on, always something that has to be done…Reasons to be sad, or upset….Don’t wait for the perfect time, a clean house, etc… You don’t know what tomorrow may bring. Good or bad, one should try and make the most of every day!  Every chance they get to share time or things with the ones they love…..   Bad things happen, we are not unbreakable, people move, and pass on to heaven or hell.  I don’t mean to be morbid and a lot of people don’t think about the possibility of no tomorrow, or no more life with that person or people we cherish…   Life can change suddenly; are you happy with your current choices? Don’t live in the past or dwell on things you can’t change….  Look to the future and aspire to make the most out of what you have….   You may not know me, or what I have gone though, that is ok… You don’t need to in order to understand what I am saying…  I’ve been through hell and back, and I wouldn’t wish that on any one… So please learn from me. Don’t live without joy…   When you wake up, be glad you woke up!  Be glad you have a new day with new opportunities, new chances…  Take time to think things over before doing them….  “Is that persons bad attitude worth upsetting my good mood”, “will I regret doing or not doing this?”, “will this make them happy or mad”, “will this help or make things worse”, Get the picture?  It is a lot easier said than done, but choose not to waste a minute of your life. It is good to relax and have fun, it’s important to your health to do your best not stress…   I   know how important it is to embrace life…  Everything can change in the blink of an eye…  Don’t fret the little things, but look for the light shining through the rain cloud instead.


I have met so many people who have been very sad lately, and some very good reasons to be… But don’t let your sadness cloud your life, and don’t let it steal your joy…. Do not let yourself get lost in a hole of disrepair, hate, resentment, or anger…  You are such a special person and are such a blessing to this world…. I pray you find your purpose, your joy and take time to smell the roses….     Because life is such a gift, such a blessing that so many people don’t get the pleasure of living….   Life is the ultimate adventure, the ultimate challenge!!!


I challenge you to make the most of your life, not for me but for yourself… I wish you find joy with living even though life can be complicated and very rough…..


God bless you abundantly!!! ~John 10:10


♥ Amy Jane♥

You’r Never Alone

ღ♥ღ Ladies/ Men there is one Person who Loves you unconditionally and will never leave you no matter what, He is always with you, and only a call away.

His name is Jesus Christ!! ღ♥ღ

You are never alone, He is always with you through all you suffer and enjoy!! The man / Woman, God gives us a mate to share out physical, emotional connection on earth. to fill that lonely vibe. But Jesus can reach the depths of your heart that no one else can… No matter how wonderful the love you have with your “special someone” Is. With Jesus in your Conner that love you have if you have it is amplified.. If you don’t have it yet, don’t give up it will come in due time. Let Jesus love you while you wait..

Your never alone, unless you  wanna be. I know it feels like the loneliness is to much at times and you may not be able to survive the pain… Been there  done that… But God’s Abundant love filled holes in my heart I never knew I had.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:or every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. ~Mathew 7:7-8

Don’t value your worth on if you have someone special or not. Because you are special, a real gift, a Joy!!  No one is perfect, so don’t call yourself a loser or other names.

“For all have fallen short of the Glory of God.” Romans 3:23

 God does not make mistakes!  He made you.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet unto the nations. ~Jeremiah 1:5

He loves you and if you let Him, He has a plan for you. One with Love and all things Good.. Even in the mist of your worst times. God is by your side ready to lift you up, to carry your burdens, and to give you  what you need. Just ask!!

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee. ~Jeremiah 31:3

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. ~Titus 3:4-7

♥ Amy Jane ♥

Dear -Santa- Jesus!

Dear Santa Jesus!

Can I sit on your lap and tell you what I want froe Christmas?  I want all the people I love to feel: loved, special, Important, Needed, Joyful, and most of all Healthy! So many people are struggling not just emotionally but financially, with health, and they lack Joy Even I am a bit lonely and lost. Life is far from easy; I was letting it take me for a ride and had quit fighting for what You have promised me. “Life, Abundantly” John 10:10

You my Lord gave me the best Gift any one can receive: Your son Jesus Christ! The Christ in Christmas!  Because Of Him we have Christmas, A day to celebrate our loved ones, to share gifts, and joy, with a thankful heart. How  Easy is it for us to Forget! Without Christ I would be lost, starved of Hope. But with Him I have all I need! ~Philippians 4:19 ~

So what else is there to want… I would like people to find ways to get a long, to discover the power of their words and lean how to speak Good instead of Bad over their lives. Help me be a better representation of Who you are! Help me Love others, forgive, Help when I speak and write so that I may glorify You! The Lord who has Given me Life literally! Help all who are lacking this season to find their needs met, now and in the New Year! Lead me, Guide Me, Teach Me! I mean that whole heartedly. I have needs in my heart only You need to know, and I give them to you. Please take care of the ones I love near and far, Keep them safe, Bless them with: Favor, Health, Joy, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness, Money, Love, Peace inside and out, Perseverance, Passion,  Patients, and all else we need or are lacking.

And Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! For Another year full of experiences good and bad because they caused growth in areas I needed, for all the Love ones that have supporting me, and all the People who have blessed me in any way! I love you Lord, Abba Father!

Your Precious Daughter,

Amy Jane Sandberg



I have notice so many people are hungry now days. Not hungry by the lack of food, but emotionally, mentally, and physically.  People are searching for something that will fill where they are lacking.  But in things that won’t really help.  Such as: Sex, alcohol, gambling, false idols.

We as the human race are at the time of major changes personally and globally.  Change is hard and so many people are looking for something to cling to sustain them, especially, now around the holidays.

I noticed around Christmas I begin to think about the year past, all I didn’t accomplish, achieve, and am still lacking… I specifically seem to dwell on failures and what I don’t have yet in my life. For example, I should have a book done by now, I wish I had my boyfriend here to share the holidays with. As a result; I get more sensitive, cranky, and lonely….

But then Christmas Eve rolls around and I become extremely thankful for what I have, and all that has happened, and those in my life….   The holiday’s takes a toll on us: Families, friends, money, gifts you want to give and get, trying to prepare the perfect atmosphere for a few days…..  It can be very overwhelming…  One becomes desperate, anxious, hungry…..  It just has to be “PERFECT”.

This year more than other years I realize people seem more then desperate, they are starving for acknowledgment, closeness, success, achievement.. Yet most are going the wrong way. Instead of turning to God, they are running to what they think will fill the void, only to find it growing deeper…

I have also realized that Christmas is one month out  of the year, better yet  only for my family about 36 hours of festivities… Then next we bring in the New Year, and the cycle starts over….  Nothing really changes……

This year I am choosing to skip the pity party that seem to have already started and go straight to that thankful atmosphere. By doing so, I lose a lot of wasted time, and by choosing to be happy, I hope I can help others be happy around me…. But it starts with a choice. I have to choose to change. It is not going to be easy, but nothing really worth it is easy… I am not going to dig a hole and burrow in my emotions; instead I am asking God for hand up, and joy to replace the stress, grief, loneliness, and frustration….

I am filling up on God’s word, I am eating the preaching’s of the pastors I love and drinking in the scriptures my friends are sharing…  I am not close to becoming full yet, but I am also not starving anymore, not in the way I was before.  I wish I could feed everyone this way too. So that they will not be hungry anymore! I pray for all the lost sheep out there. The people who don’t know what they are looking for…

I want to be a good example of Christ and who He is, so that the hungry people around me can be fed…

I urge you to look to God to fill   your plate. Not the internet, not the tv, not shopping, nor in other people. What you’re looking for can only be found in one place…  In Christ! I do not know how to explain it however once you let Christ in your life changes and you no longer fill empty, if you truly let Him in… I still feel lonely, not in the same way…

Don’t wait till Christmas to unwrap this Gift. It’s yours now, waiting with your name on it. For God so loved YOU, He gave His only Begotten son, Jesus Christ, so that who so ever believes in Him, shall have everlasting life. ~ John 3:16

If you already have Him in your heart I suggest you reevaluate your relationship and do as I am and submerse yourself in His word! Give yourself the best Christmas of all, and remember the reason for the season. He is the greatest comfort!

God Bless you,

Merry Christmas~

♥ Amy Jane ♥

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


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Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

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Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

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Your Guide to Natural Health and Wellness